Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2005
Generated 01-Sep-2005 00:20 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2005
Total Hits 30063783
Total Files 18591792
Total Pages 3429693
Total Visits 234542
Total KBytes 242251329
Total Unique Sites 54393
Total Unique URLs 30645
Total Unique Referrers 3883
Total Unique Usernames 11
Total Unique User Agents 4291
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 40408 111892
Hits per Day 969799 1315036
Files per Day 599735 786328
Pages per Day 110635 157846
Visits per Day 7565 9793
KBytes per Day 7814559 11484133
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 18591792
Code 206 - Partial Content 40051
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 34342
Code 302 - Found 577465
Code 304 - Not Modified 10710606
Code 400 - Bad Request 209
Code 401 - Unauthorized 3
Code 403 - Forbidden 5
Code 404 - Not Found 102715
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 16
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 16
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 6560
Code 501 - Not Implemented 2

Daily usage for August 2005

Daily Statistics for August 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1022924 3.40% 614828 3.31% 100926 2.94% 8420 3.59% 5237 9.63% 7423361 3.06%
2 983702 3.27% 605161 3.25% 98813 2.88% 8158 3.48% 5238 9.63% 7085802 2.92%
3 997919 3.32% 612009 3.29% 102217 2.98% 8201 3.50% 5252 9.66% 7475166 3.09%
4 1003745 3.34% 628667 3.38% 101552 2.96% 8221 3.51% 5336 9.81% 7480530 3.09%
5 995564 3.31% 610162 3.28% 103647 3.02% 7804 3.33% 5156 9.48% 7325613 3.02%
6 571118 1.90% 370573 1.99% 57511 1.68% 4856 2.07% 3404 6.26% 4156697 1.72%
7 621534 2.07% 408407 2.20% 58970 1.72% 4556 1.94% 3298 6.06% 4605981 1.90%
8 1093882 3.64% 666406 3.58% 107445 3.13% 8134 3.47% 5404 9.94% 8122519 3.35%
9 1025466 3.41% 621487 3.34% 106562 3.11% 7921 3.38% 5146 9.46% 7585847 3.13%
10 1080467 3.59% 674388 3.63% 110228 3.21% 7950 3.39% 5217 9.59% 7782678 3.21%
11 1001218 3.33% 642151 3.45% 104770 3.05% 7875 3.36% 5259 9.67% 7078748 2.92%
12 855040 2.84% 524749 2.82% 89194 2.60% 7163 3.05% 4805 8.83% 6425218 2.65%
13 572868 1.91% 378049 2.03% 73626 2.15% 5386 2.30% 3473 6.39% 4859123 2.01%
14 627214 2.09% 411145 2.21% 72101 2.10% 4978 2.12% 3562 6.55% 5069147 2.09%
15 1270425 4.23% 786328 4.23% 150612 4.39% 9113 3.89% 5898 10.84% 10019691 4.14%
16 1169501 3.89% 726128 3.91% 135188 3.94% 8726 3.72% 5684 10.45% 9577272 3.95%
17 1127249 3.75% 701945 3.78% 132278 3.86% 8600 3.67% 5595 10.29% 9482727 3.91%
18 1107836 3.68% 674069 3.63% 140717 4.10% 9334 3.98% 5549 10.20% 9189860 3.79%
19 1036673 3.45% 634591 3.41% 123147 3.59% 9498 4.05% 5539 10.18% 8716055 3.60%
20 638318 2.12% 386257 2.08% 76775 2.24% 6042 2.58% 3556 6.54% 5115714 2.11%
21 667848 2.22% 437074 2.35% 97034 2.83% 5709 2.43% 3738 6.87% 6066084 2.50%
22 1148606 3.82% 691270 3.72% 144836 4.22% 8333 3.55% 5495 10.10% 9716480 4.01%
23 1159240 3.86% 716167 3.85% 139894 4.08% 8799 3.75% 5659 10.40% 9649544 3.98%
24 1167728 3.88% 708230 3.81% 137279 4.00% 9077 3.87% 5926 10.89% 9792282 4.04%
25 1162766 3.87% 702522 3.78% 130953 3.82% 8828 3.76% 5635 10.36% 9513058 3.93%
26 1163215 3.87% 701046 3.77% 134172 3.91% 8591 3.66% 5531 10.17% 9790653 4.04%
27 681081 2.27% 446496 2.40% 113507 3.31% 4861 2.07% 3407 6.26% 6436367 2.66%
28 723878 2.41% 460943 2.48% 114791 3.35% 4649 1.98% 3296 6.06% 6843008 2.82%
29 786424 2.62% 510630 2.75% 89524 2.61% 5834 2.49% 4230 7.78% 7052147 2.91%
30 1285298 4.28% 768607 4.13% 123578 3.60% 9768 4.16% 6303 11.59% 11329825 4.68%
31 1315036 4.37% 771307 4.15% 157846 4.60% 9793 4.18% 6300 11.58% 11484133 4.74%

Hourly usage for August 2005

Hourly Statistics for August 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 11401 353447 1.18% 7281 225740 1.21% 1765 54724 1.60% 104047 3225453 1.33%
1 6367 197382 0.66% 4330 134250 0.72% 1356 42039 1.23% 66162 2051024 0.85%
2 4300 133312 0.44% 3068 95127 0.51% 1292 40077 1.17% 52904 1640031 0.68%
3 3164 98109 0.33% 2279 70649 0.38% 1087 33702 0.98% 40343 1250629 0.52%
4 3132 97117 0.32% 2097 65017 0.35% 1188 36838 1.07% 42383 1313863 0.54%
5 4497 139409 0.46% 3088 95746 0.51% 1261 39117 1.14% 50697 1571609 0.65%
6 11047 342484 1.14% 6882 213343 1.15% 1759 54557 1.59% 95846 2971230 1.23%
7 28112 871484 2.90% 16833 521841 2.81% 3349 103837 3.03% 226376 7017664 2.90%
8 46719 1448317 4.82% 27554 854183 4.59% 5204 161344 4.70% 370911 11498245 4.75%
9 55307 1714529 5.70% 33293 1032083 5.55% 5890 182605 5.32% 435492 13500238 5.57%
10 64917 2012441 6.69% 39361 1220192 6.56% 6996 216893 6.32% 521184 16156693 6.67%
11 67898 2104861 7.00% 40766 1263774 6.80% 7244 224566 6.55% 533026 16523812 6.82%
12 67608 2095849 6.97% 41280 1279687 6.88% 7335 227415 6.63% 536462 16630318 6.86%
13 72721 2254374 7.50% 44124 1367866 7.36% 8065 250043 7.29% 578734 17940752 7.41%
14 76095 2358948 7.85% 46452 1440033 7.75% 8251 255796 7.46% 608990 18878686 7.79%
15 75233 2332228 7.76% 45146 1399529 7.53% 8177 253491 7.39% 605220 18761815 7.74%
16 68942 2137226 7.11% 41568 1288626 6.93% 7361 228212 6.65% 542250 16809748 6.94%
17 58608 1816874 6.04% 36543 1132855 6.09% 6219 192807 5.62% 460137 14264248 5.89%
18 50565 1567536 5.21% 32264 1000187 5.38% 5496 170402 4.97% 403609 12511886 5.16%
19 47007 1457240 4.85% 30580 948008 5.10% 5063 156966 4.58% 365695 11336554 4.68%
20 46058 1427803 4.75% 29846 925238 4.98% 4781 148237 4.32% 358227 11105032 4.58%
21 42626 1321419 4.40% 27533 853549 4.59% 4599 142569 4.16% 337662 10467530 4.32%
22 35407 1097645 3.65% 23228 720098 3.87% 4096 126979 3.70% 291620 9040216 3.73%
23 22056 683749 2.27% 14328 444171 2.39% 2789 86477 2.52% 186582 5784054 2.39%

Top 30 of 30645 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2238258 7.45% 91367242 37.72% /ba/
2 420501 1.40% 542527 0.22% /ba/wap.php
3 260553 0.87% 196200 0.08% /ba/menu.css
4 260023 0.86% 626898 0.26% /ba/_/styl.css
5 259456 0.86% 375665 0.16% /ba/_/menu.css
6 258924 0.86% 119817 0.05% /ba/_/tlac.css
7 258429 0.86% 252948 0.10% /ba/styl.css
8 257204 0.86% 166723 0.07% /ba/_/hmenu.js
9 256726 0.85% 266887 0.11% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
10 256506 0.85% 279860 0.12% /ba/_/lmenu.js
11 256402 0.85% 21369 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
12 255958 0.85% 2622815 1.08% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
13 227823 0.76% 4709088 1.94% /_/obrazky/bannery/compeko_2005-01.swf
14 132369 0.44% 4546460 1.88% /ke/
15 113868 0.38% 3553585 1.47% /bb/
16 101074 0.34% 3498456 1.44% /nr/
17 82043 0.27% 1826926 0.75% /transport/
18 52077 0.17% 1472230 0.61% /za/
19 41650 0.14% 53432 0.02% /bb/wap.php
20 37812 0.13% 1134559 0.47% /po/
21 35938 0.12% 50539 0.02% /ke/wap.php
22 33851 0.11% 1880111 0.78% /mhd/
23 26005 0.09% 89779 0.04% /mhd/_/styl.css
24 25960 0.09% 372497 0.15% /mhd/_/coolmenus4.js
25 25879 0.09% 27853 0.01% /mhd/menu.css
26 25866 0.09% 53267 0.02% /mhd/_/menu.css
27 25828 0.09% 36357 0.02% /mhd/styl.css
28 25725 0.09% 22795 0.01% /mhd/_/hmenu.js
29 25677 0.09% 16866 0.01% /mhd/_/tlac.css
30 25560 0.09% 2957 0.00% /mhd/_/preload_obrazkov.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 30645 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2238258 7.45% 91367242 37.72% /ba/
2 227823 0.76% 4709088 1.94% /_/obrazky/bannery/compeko_2005-01.swf
3 132369 0.44% 4546460 1.88% /ke/
4 113868 0.38% 3553585 1.47% /bb/
5 101074 0.34% 3498456 1.44% /nr/
6 255958 0.85% 2622815 1.08% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
7 33851 0.11% 1880111 0.78% /mhd/
8 82043 0.27% 1826926 0.75% /transport/
9 52077 0.17% 1472230 0.61% /za/
10 37812 0.13% 1134559 0.47% /po/

Top 10 of 78 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3943 0.01% 144372 67.74% /
2 2238258 7.45% 49017 23.00% /ba/
3 113868 0.38% 4863 2.28% /bb/
4 82043 0.27% 3970 1.86% /transport/
5 132369 0.44% 3547 1.66% /ke/
6 101074 0.34% 2911 1.37% /nr/
7 37812 0.13% 1449 0.68% /po/
8 52077 0.17% 1347 0.63% /za/
9 33851 0.11% 497 0.23% /mhd/
10 1619 0.01% 415 0.19% /dpb/

Top 10 of 94 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2238258 7.45% 183018 78.17% /ba/
2 113868 0.38% 12166 5.20% /bb/
3 132369 0.44% 9281 3.96% /ke/
4 101074 0.34% 7844 3.35% /nr/
5 82043 0.27% 6841 2.92% /transport/
6 3943 0.01% 3416 1.46% /
7 52077 0.17% 3338 1.43% /za/
8 37812 0.13% 3324 1.42% /po/
9 33851 0.11% 1871 0.80% /mhd/
10 1619 0.01% 1286 0.55% /dpb/

Top 30 of 54393 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 662080 2.20% 432374 2.33% 7297425 3.01% 102 0.04%
2 399459 1.33% 247480 1.33% 3181832 1.31% 178 0.08%
3 330583 1.10% 251242 1.35% 7795508 3.22% 72 0.03%
4 321299 1.07% 296548 1.60% 437352 0.18% 77 0.03%
5 223809 0.74% 109689 0.59% 1383978 0.57% 113 0.05%
6 220172 0.73% 117225 0.63% 1444663 0.60% 156 0.07%
7 194158 0.65% 132561 0.71% 1515462 0.63% 305 0.13%
8 158590 0.53% 113683 0.61% 1156747 0.48% 312 0.13%
9 139068 0.46% 95109 0.51% 1016194 0.42% 364 0.16%
10 134893 0.45% 64813 0.35% 824280 0.34% 171 0.07%
11 134635 0.45% 95625 0.51% 1133632 0.47% 348 0.15%
12 125177 0.42% 76235 0.41% 868878 0.36% 151 0.06%
13 122206 0.41% 60480 0.33% 806749 0.33% 302 0.13%
14 121857 0.41% 70642 0.38% 694460 0.29% 316 0.13%
15 115362 0.38% 78442 0.42% 812640 0.34% 183 0.08%
16 114768 0.38% 102949 0.55% 168067 0.07% 133 0.06%
17 114088 0.38% 70865 0.38% 957165 0.40% 180 0.08%
18 113775 0.38% 61270 0.33% 725583 0.30% 287 0.12%
19 107240 0.36% 69760 0.38% 749203 0.31% 267 0.11%
20 106728 0.36% 68831 0.37% 750901 0.31% 313 0.13%
21 102835 0.34% 101848 0.55% 411611 0.17% 8 0.00%
22 102765 0.34% 69953 0.38% 868034 0.36% 149 0.06%
23 99518 0.33% 59212 0.32% 719856 0.30% 307 0.13%
24 95779 0.32% 54509 0.29% 668049 0.28% 301 0.13%
25 93935 0.31% 55088 0.30% 684243 0.28% 313 0.13%
26 91038 0.30% 26968 0.15% 453806 0.19% 190 0.08%
27 88270 0.29% 52323 0.28% 622088 0.26% 319 0.14%
28 82631 0.27% 49793 0.27% 563703 0.23% 343 0.15%
29 82613 0.27% 52252 0.28% 538597 0.22% 258 0.11%
30 73849 0.25% 27212 0.15% 1181809 0.49% 223 0.10%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 54393 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 330583 1.10% 251242 1.35% 7795508 3.22% 72 0.03%
2 662080 2.20% 432374 2.33% 7297425 3.01% 102 0.04%
3 399459 1.33% 247480 1.33% 3181832 1.31% 178 0.08%
4 194158 0.65% 132561 0.71% 1515462 0.63% 305 0.13%
5 220172 0.73% 117225 0.63% 1444663 0.60% 156 0.07%
6 223809 0.74% 109689 0.59% 1383978 0.57% 113 0.05%
7 73849 0.25% 27212 0.15% 1181809 0.49% 223 0.10%
8 158590 0.53% 113683 0.61% 1156747 0.48% 312 0.13%
9 134635 0.45% 95625 0.51% 1133632 0.47% 348 0.15%
10 43865 0.15% 36029 0.19% 1048209 0.43% 7 0.00%

Top 30 of 3883 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12683037 42.19%
2 5442716 18.10%
3 3707737 12.33% - (Direct Request)
4 1531015 5.09%
5 1015972 3.38%
6 720913 2.40%
7 630350 2.10%
8 465252 1.55%
9 395373 1.32%
10 395324 1.31%
11 320264 1.07%
12 291959 0.97%
13 242064 0.81%
14 212182 0.71%
15 207343 0.69%
16 183045 0.61%
17 161785 0.54%
18 137277 0.46%
19 136066 0.45%
20 134551 0.45%
21 129924 0.43%
22 115738 0.38%
23 108598 0.36%
24 83390 0.28%
25 72482 0.24%
26 53604 0.18%
27 49722 0.17%
28 45730 0.15%
29 35236 0.12%
30 30499 0.10%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 714 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 547 14.42% imhd
2 380 10.02% mhd
3 329 8.67% mhd bratislava
4 205 5.40%
5 192 5.06%
6 78 2.06% bratislava mhd
7 70 1.85%
8 53 1.40% mhd kosice
9 43 1.13% mhd nitra
10 37 0.98%
11 34 0.90% mhd presov
12 34 0.90%
13 27 0.71% tatra k1
14 26 0.69% mhd prešov
15 26 0.69% mhd v bratislave
16 25 0.66% mhd banska bystrica
17 23 0.61% mhd ba
18 22 0.58% mhd banská bystrica
19 22 0.58% mhd bb
20 22 0.58% mhd košice

Top 11 of 11 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 107 0.00% 107 0.00% 890 0.00% 5 0.00% imhd
2 73 0.00% 73 0.00% 2865 0.00% 1 0.00% Tusovaa
3 14 0.00% 14 0.00% 435 0.00% 1 0.00% Rostarm
4 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 547 0.00% 2 0.00% bielokosztolskae
5 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 588 0.00% 2 0.00% fuchsovaa
6 9 0.00% 9 0.00% 365 0.00% 1 0.00% Michalkovae
7 8 0.00% 8 0.00% 361 0.00% 1 0.00% grolla
8 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 213 0.00% 2 0.00% bodovaz
9 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 168 0.00% 1 0.00% Potucekj
10 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 166 0.00% 1 0.00% Haraslinovaa
11 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 15 0.00% 1 0.00% RadekU

Top 15 of 4291 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 5576485 18.55% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 3802366 12.65% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
3 3369349 11.21% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
4 1555287 5.17% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
5 1358623 4.52% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
6 843058 2.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.10) Ge
7 694961 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.10) Ge
8 670607 2.23% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
9 663924 2.21% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
10 603875 2.01% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
11 601435 2.00% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
12 498855 1.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
13 464371 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
14 385941 1.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.8) Gec
15 357278 1.19% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)

Usage by Country for August 2005

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 30063783 100.00% 18631843 100.22% 242251329 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

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