Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: December 2005
Generated 01-Jan-2006 00:26 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2005
Total Hits 26886372
Total Files 17786505
Total Pages 3885066
Total Visits 274484
Total KBytes 226772404
Total Unique Sites 66849
Total Unique URLs 32541
Total Unique Referrers 5332
Total Unique Usernames 7
Total Unique User Agents 3786
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 36137 110234
Hits per Day 867302 1041778
Files per Day 573758 810673
Pages per Day 125324 193847
Visits per Day 8854 10969
KBytes per Day 7315239 10061088
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 4
Code 200 - OK 17786505
Code 206 - Partial Content 27724
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 42141
Code 302 - Found 484033
Code 304 - Not Modified 8451507
Code 400 - Bad Request 7
Code 401 - Unauthorized 5
Code 404 - Not Found 79755
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 13
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 14657
Code 501 - Not Implemented 19

Daily usage for December 2005

Daily Statistics for December 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 916944 3.41% 573647 3.23% 125559 3.23% 9673 3.52% 6285 9.40% 7791414 3.44%
2 975499 3.63% 607732 3.42% 132749 3.42% 10129 3.69% 6639 9.93% 7982932 3.52%
3 647398 2.41% 430809 2.42% 92789 2.39% 6520 2.38% 4699 7.03% 5423763 2.39%
4 633170 2.35% 431678 2.43% 83918 2.16% 6533 2.38% 4608 6.89% 5441485 2.40%
5 952186 3.54% 574634 3.23% 123176 3.17% 10063 3.67% 6352 9.50% 7504895 3.31%
6 1030540 3.83% 658967 3.70% 193847 4.99% 9909 3.61% 6460 9.66% 10061088 4.44%
7 900008 3.35% 547995 3.08% 118477 3.05% 9653 3.52% 6273 9.38% 7463777 3.29%
8 940585 3.50% 572807 3.22% 125308 3.23% 10294 3.75% 6508 9.74% 7576754 3.34%
9 1041778 3.87% 635706 3.57% 183428 4.72% 10438 3.80% 6777 10.14% 8831805 3.89%
10 695688 2.59% 452913 2.55% 84796 2.18% 7117 2.59% 5015 7.50% 5633303 2.48%
11 713001 2.65% 453900 2.55% 110473 2.84% 7238 2.64% 4975 7.44% 6094142 2.69%
12 990176 3.68% 609786 3.43% 146729 3.78% 10597 3.86% 6914 10.34% 8580098 3.78%
13 994938 3.70% 602372 3.39% 153661 3.96% 10334 3.76% 6666 9.97% 8554676 3.77%
14 1006773 3.74% 614014 3.45% 140934 3.63% 10443 3.80% 6796 10.17% 8459303 3.73%
15 967012 3.60% 592562 3.33% 140384 3.61% 10779 3.93% 6883 10.30% 8156066 3.60%
16 1006530 3.74% 630884 3.55% 155306 4.00% 10969 4.00% 7155 10.70% 8753107 3.86%
17 745783 2.77% 482173 2.71% 103480 2.66% 7671 2.79% 5328 7.97% 6039920 2.66%
18 678736 2.52% 440082 2.47% 105348 2.71% 6704 2.44% 4782 7.15% 5687562 2.51%
19 968872 3.60% 596261 3.35% 144196 3.71% 10434 3.80% 6643 9.94% 8312561 3.67%
20 751142 2.79% 537387 3.02% 111571 2.87% 8113 2.96% 5653 8.46% 6377640 2.81%
21 1023390 3.81% 810673 4.56% 145667 3.75% 10271 3.74% 6598 9.87% 9111500 4.02%
22 1002857 3.73% 767296 4.31% 143891 3.70% 10636 3.87% 6802 10.18% 8757283 3.86%
23 780790 2.90% 588943 3.31% 119832 3.08% 8459 3.08% 5452 8.16% 6943974 3.06%
24 513929 1.91% 376048 2.11% 72144 1.86% 5010 1.83% 3402 5.09% 4286063 1.89%
25 554898 2.06% 397334 2.23% 75372 1.94% 5176 1.89% 3632 5.43% 4696155 2.07%
26 650891 2.42% 482847 2.71% 89304 2.30% 6365 2.32% 4287 6.41% 5548830 2.45%
27 902711 3.36% 671669 3.78% 131733 3.39% 9031 3.29% 5812 8.69% 8074960 3.56%
28 993825 3.70% 700602 3.94% 137556 3.54% 9339 3.40% 6067 9.08% 8477654 3.74%
29 885942 3.30% 618132 3.48% 129616 3.34% 8884 3.24% 5662 8.47% 7392792 3.26%
30 996181 3.71% 657269 3.70% 126819 3.26% 8888 3.24% 5753 8.61% 7382022 3.26%
31 1024199 3.81% 669383 3.76% 137003 3.53% 9591 3.49% 6325 9.46% 7374880 3.25%

Hourly usage for December 2005

Hourly Statistics for December 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 12727 394566 1.47% 8443 261761 1.47% 1838 57005 1.47% 108428 3361277 1.48%
1 6562 203446 0.76% 4505 139675 0.79% 1139 35323 0.91% 60852 1886400 0.83%
2 3492 108281 0.40% 2618 81179 0.46% 806 25015 0.64% 35890 1112605 0.49%
3 2251 69791 0.26% 1643 50959 0.29% 788 24446 0.63% 24447 757845 0.33%
4 2979 92352 0.34% 1866 57846 0.33% 1197 37135 0.96% 27092 839854 0.37%
5 4092 126880 0.47% 2561 79414 0.45% 1285 39853 1.03% 34250 1061742 0.47%
6 8645 268021 1.00% 5921 183579 1.03% 1538 47692 1.23% 77853 2413433 1.06%
7 21446 664849 2.47% 14112 437486 2.46% 3357 104082 2.68% 185824 5760541 2.54%
8 35533 1101541 4.10% 23258 721025 4.05% 5279 163672 4.21% 306336 9496406 4.19%
9 43179 1338561 4.98% 28589 886263 4.98% 6223 192928 4.97% 371811 11526147 5.08%
10 46830 1451739 5.40% 30998 960960 5.40% 6726 208520 5.37% 408644 12667979 5.59%
11 53465 1657442 6.16% 35359 1096135 6.16% 7611 235944 6.07% 458337 14208436 6.27%
12 54937 1703051 6.33% 36341 1126595 6.33% 7777 241111 6.21% 466215 14452655 6.37%
13 58738 1820902 6.77% 38776 1202059 6.76% 8478 262824 6.76% 503338 15603477 6.88%
14 61241 1898485 7.06% 40871 1267014 7.12% 8809 273107 7.03% 525858 16301607 7.19%
15 64554 2001198 7.44% 42420 1315049 7.39% 9029 279927 7.21% 540457 16754176 7.39%
16 66103 2049193 7.62% 43093 1335887 7.51% 9322 289002 7.44% 541792 16795566 7.41%
17 62648 1942092 7.22% 41117 1274634 7.17% 8734 270770 6.97% 515496 15980361 7.05%
18 57420 1780032 6.62% 38036 1179124 6.63% 7791 241523 6.22% 467413 14489798 6.39%
19 50329 1560228 5.80% 33267 1031291 5.80% 6717 208246 5.36% 406392 12598154 5.56%
20 46810 1451120 5.40% 30916 958425 5.39% 6235 193289 4.98% 381711 11833030 5.22%
21 43124 1336870 4.97% 28578 885922 4.98% 5964 184900 4.76% 351733 10903724 4.81%
22 36428 1129281 4.20% 24814 769254 4.32% 5278 163632 4.21% 308989 9578654 4.22%
23 23756 736451 2.74% 15644 484969 2.73% 3390 105120 2.71% 206082 6388538 2.82%

Top 30 of 32541 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2331184 8.67% 73570313 32.44% /ba/
2 355051 1.32% 467236 0.21% /ba/wap.php
3 353064 1.31% 5114521 2.26% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
4 316045 1.18% 1143921 0.50% /ba/_/styl.css
5 306115 1.14% 363272 0.16% /ba/styl.css
6 298564 1.11% 495331 0.22% /ba/_/menu.css
7 298553 1.11% 3425967 1.51% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
8 298438 1.11% 158563 0.07% /ba/_/tlac.css
9 298296 1.11% 257416 0.11% /ba/menu.css
10 296714 1.10% 218532 0.10% /ba/_/hmenu.js
11 295401 1.10% 27985 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
12 293563 1.09% 358895 0.16% /ba/_/lmenu.js
13 292766 1.09% 342290 0.15% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
14 289884 1.08% 97542 0.04% /_/obrazky/bannery/localnet_sk_2005-01.swf
15 249742 0.93% 6870683 3.03% /ke/
16 216459 0.81% 6051331 2.67% /bb/
17 169269 0.63% 1608074 0.71% /transport/clanky/
18 124520 0.46% 3609347 1.59% /nr/
19 72353 0.27% 1399286 0.62% /transport/
20 71973 0.27% 1751479 0.77% /po/
21 55272 0.21% 1289271 0.57% /za/
22 54935 0.20% 73227 0.03% /bb/wap.php
23 43883 0.16% 884640 0.39% /mhd/
24 36260 0.13% 130146 0.06% /bb/_/styl.css
25 35593 0.13% 43037 0.02% /bb/styl.css
26 35181 0.13% 128153 0.06% /ke/_/styl.css
27 35008 0.13% 19112 0.01% /bb/_/tlac.css
28 34879 0.13% 59578 0.03% /bb/_/menu.css
29 34868 0.13% 48039 0.02% /ke/wap.php
30 34862 0.13% 30911 0.01% /bb/menu.css
View All URLs

Top 10 of 32541 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2331184 8.67% 73570313 32.44% /ba/
2 249742 0.93% 6870683 3.03% /ke/
3 216459 0.81% 6051331 2.67% /bb/
4 353064 1.31% 5114521 2.26% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
5 124520 0.46% 3609347 1.59% /nr/
6 298553 1.11% 3425967 1.51% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
7 71973 0.27% 1751479 0.77% /po/
8 169269 0.63% 1608074 0.71% /transport/clanky/
9 72353 0.27% 1399286 0.62% /transport/
10 55272 0.21% 1289271 0.57% /za/

Top 10 of 54 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2331184 8.67% 48531 42.77% /ba/
2 1207 0.00% 33234 29.29% /
3 72353 0.27% 8749 7.71% /transport/
4 216459 0.81% 8022 7.07% /bb/
5 249742 0.93% 5193 4.58% /ke/
6 124520 0.46% 3646 3.21% /nr/
7 71973 0.27% 2364 2.08% /po/
8 55272 0.21% 1968 1.73% /za/
9 43883 0.16% 741 0.65% /mhd/
10 169269 0.63% 422 0.37% /transport/clanky/

Top 10 of 58 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2331184 8.67% 194448 71.68% /ba/
2 216459 0.81% 19629 7.24% /bb/
3 249742 0.93% 12763 4.70% /ke/
4 72353 0.27% 11111 4.10% /transport/
5 124520 0.46% 9833 3.62% /nr/
6 169269 0.63% 8318 3.07% /transport/clanky/
7 71973 0.27% 5009 1.85% /po/
8 55272 0.21% 4925 1.82% /za/
9 43883 0.16% 2418 0.89% /mhd/
10 1207 0.00% 759 0.28% /

Top 30 of 66849 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 599964 2.23% 401568 2.26% 6398769 2.82% 126 0.05%
2 360011 1.34% 332273 1.87% 478089 0.21% 80 0.03%
3 316031 1.18% 210506 1.18% 2503102 1.10% 173 0.06%
4 272045 1.01% 151492 0.85% 1697819 0.75% 238 0.09%
5 246989 0.92% 153658 0.86% 1802519 0.79% 237 0.09%
6 243873 0.91% 150392 0.85% 1809137 0.80% 227 0.08%
7 215616 0.80% 150351 0.85% 1617935 0.71% 249 0.09%
8 177359 0.66% 127166 0.71% 1693393 0.75% 274 0.10%
9 159550 0.59% 118186 0.66% 1288850 0.57% 284 0.10%
10 145533 0.54% 131980 0.74% 197951 0.09% 134 0.05%
11 125897 0.47% 90100 0.51% 923272 0.41% 287 0.10%
12 121029 0.45% 84311 0.47% 912103 0.40% 344 0.13%
13 118675 0.44% 76995 0.43% 930957 0.41% 302 0.11%
14 110539 0.41% 73304 0.41% 1086393 0.48% 67 0.02%
15 105188 0.39% 18098 0.10% 295144 0.13% 135 0.05%
16 100357 0.37% 63450 0.36% 873292 0.39% 189 0.07%
17 98080 0.36% 24334 0.14% 275282 0.12% 261 0.10%
18 89781 0.33% 48556 0.27% 480850 0.21% 263 0.10%
19 88070 0.33% 16447 0.09% 158121 0.07% 165 0.06%
20 85231 0.32% 63086 0.35% 576655 0.25% 338 0.12%
21 79594 0.30% 47374 0.27% 632786 0.28% 353 0.13%
22 76627 0.29% 75076 0.42% 1771604 0.78% 85 0.03%
23 76602 0.28% 75064 0.42% 1877532 0.83% 61 0.02%
24 75825 0.28% 57956 0.33% 714368 0.32% 356 0.13%
25 74655 0.28% 40278 0.23% 461179 0.20% 297 0.11%
26 69928 0.26% 58756 0.33% 1405842 0.62% 266 0.10%
27 69890 0.26% 33575 0.19% 1035777 0.46% 266 0.10%
28 68489 0.25% 34807 0.20% 533180 0.24% 326 0.12%
29 65325 0.24% 63436 0.36% 1729673 0.76% 2 0.00%
30 64639 0.24% 26648 0.15% 319654 0.14% 247 0.09%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 66849 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 599964 2.23% 401568 2.26% 6398769 2.82% 126 0.05%
2 316031 1.18% 210506 1.18% 2503102 1.10% 173 0.06%
3 76602 0.28% 75064 0.42% 1877532 0.83% 61 0.02%
4 243873 0.91% 150392 0.85% 1809137 0.80% 227 0.08%
5 246989 0.92% 153658 0.86% 1802519 0.79% 237 0.09%
6 76627 0.29% 75076 0.42% 1771604 0.78% 85 0.03%
7 65325 0.24% 63436 0.36% 1729673 0.76% 2 0.00%
8 272045 1.01% 151492 0.85% 1697819 0.75% 238 0.09%
9 177359 0.66% 127166 0.71% 1693393 0.75% 274 0.10%
10 215616 0.80% 150351 0.85% 1617935 0.71% 249 0.09%

Top 30 of 5332 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 7927595 29.49%
2 6093858 22.67%
3 3396738 12.63% - (Direct Request)
4 1155537 4.30%
5 1045771 3.89%
6 769813 2.86%
7 690993 2.57%
8 680730 2.53%
9 580518 2.16%
10 555993 2.07%
11 336572 1.25%
12 327809 1.22%
13 317399 1.18%
14 312266 1.16%
15 255741 0.95%
16 255274 0.95%
17 226646 0.84%
18 207806 0.77%
19 197762 0.74%
20 195035 0.73%
21 184427 0.69%
22 167539 0.62%
23 155205 0.58%
24 95420 0.35%
25 76177 0.28%
26 57779 0.21%
27 47127 0.18%
28 43224 0.16%
29 35027 0.13%
30 34546 0.13%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 899 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 654 11.30% imhd
2 636 10.98% mhd
3 502 8.67% mhd bratislava
4 265 4.58%
5 247 4.27%
6 156 2.69% mhd nitra
7 126 2.18%
8 125 2.16% mhd kosice
9 115 1.99% mhd ba
10 101 1.74%
11 94 1.62% mhd bb
12 86 1.49% mhd zilina
13 69 1.19% bratislava mhd
14 66 1.14% mhd banská bystrica
15 66 1.14% mhd košice
16 52 0.90% mhd ke
17 52 0.90% mhd presov
18 47 0.81% mhd sk
19 47 0.81% tam buses
20 45 0.78% jelcz mex

Top 7 of 7 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 206 0.00% 206 0.00% 1451 0.00% 7 0.00% imhd
2 26 0.00% 26 0.00% 916 0.00% 1 0.00% recepcia
3 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 516 0.00% 3 0.00% fuchsovaa
4 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 370 0.00% 2 0.00% liskovaj
5 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 96 0.00% 1 0.00% standovae
6 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 130 0.00% 1 0.00% brnkovaj
7 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 28 0.00% 1 0.00% jakubcikovam

Top 15 of 3786 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 5301303 19.72% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 3927688 14.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
3 2500110 9.30% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 985251 3.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
5 965079 3.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
6 916604 3.41% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
7 910537 3.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Ge
8 722310 2.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Ge
9 501640 1.87% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxth
10 447412 1.66% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
11 433406 1.61% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
12 404612 1.50% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
13 403928 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko
14 368470 1.37% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)
15 328588 1.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sk; rv:1.8) Gecko/20

Usage by Country for December 2005

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 26886372 100.00% 17814229 100.16% 226772404 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 100% Micro$oft free!