Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2006
Generated 01-Feb-2006 00:25 CET

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2006
Total Hits 34256494
Total Files 22224690
Total Pages 4610482
Total Visits 335741
Total KBytes 278495655
Total Unique Sites 77878
Total Unique URLs 33320
Total Unique Referrers 3123
Total Unique Usernames 12
Total Unique User Agents 4005
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 46043 121325
Hits per Day 1105048 1466500
Files per Day 716925 987386
Pages per Day 148725 205824
Visits per Day 10830 13724
KBytes per Day 8983731 12377535
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 3
Code 200 - OK 22224690
Code 206 - Partial Content 41525
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 55748
Code 302 - Found 587696
Code 304 - Not Modified 11256221
Code 400 - Bad Request 41
Code 401 - Unauthorized 9
Code 403 - Forbidden 1
Code 404 - Not Found 87099
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 17
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 6
Code 411 - Length Required 6
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 3423
Code 501 - Not Implemented 9

Daily usage for January 2006

Daily Statistics for January 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 986202 2.88% 618068 2.78% 112986 2.45% 7492 2.23% 5137 6.60% 7390795 2.65%
2 1153094 3.37% 727944 3.28% 150598 3.27% 9898 2.95% 6450 8.28% 8213671 2.95%
3 1383793 4.04% 861479 3.88% 188401 4.09% 12784 3.81% 7697 9.88% 9898663 3.55%
4 1252875 3.66% 802803 3.61% 178768 3.88% 12583 3.75% 7474 9.60% 9532484 3.42%
5 923977 2.70% 575278 2.59% 133682 2.90% 9178 2.73% 5985 7.69% 7017198 2.52%
6 1014694 2.96% 657989 2.96% 132801 2.88% 8359 2.49% 5698 7.32% 8134360 2.92%
7 817722 2.39% 524821 2.36% 115204 2.50% 7782 2.32% 5296 6.80% 6276285 2.25%
8 1018644 2.97% 624330 2.81% 118729 2.58% 8239 2.45% 5782 7.42% 7582941 2.72%
9 1466500 4.28% 987386 4.44% 205824 4.46% 12826 3.82% 8221 10.56% 12377535 4.44%
10 1231397 3.59% 813332 3.66% 169181 3.67% 12542 3.74% 7782 9.99% 10458872 3.76%
11 1146292 3.35% 767672 3.45% 151595 3.29% 12736 3.79% 7530 9.67% 9725352 3.49%
12 1130907 3.30% 726315 3.27% 157535 3.42% 12280 3.66% 7667 9.84% 9442186 3.39%
13 1185729 3.46% 801160 3.60% 170503 3.70% 13011 3.88% 8002 10.28% 10346157 3.72%
14 853970 2.49% 560943 2.52% 113893 2.47% 8941 2.66% 5587 7.17% 7035985 2.53%
15 853694 2.49% 574029 2.58% 115851 2.51% 8255 2.46% 5496 7.06% 7619078 2.74%
16 1196847 3.49% 789008 3.55% 154669 3.35% 12006 3.58% 7729 9.92% 9961001 3.58%
17 1160710 3.39% 753913 3.39% 152091 3.30% 11323 3.37% 7501 9.63% 9333062 3.35%
18 1194850 3.49% 767969 3.46% 170742 3.70% 11486 3.42% 7548 9.69% 10126420 3.64%
19 1148087 3.35% 751042 3.38% 156681 3.40% 11492 3.42% 7456 9.57% 9622216 3.46%
20 1146896 3.35% 755921 3.40% 146963 3.19% 12301 3.66% 8063 10.35% 9427097 3.39%
21 805197 2.35% 551874 2.48% 103939 2.25% 8734 2.60% 5678 7.29% 6806513 2.44%
22 838208 2.45% 572985 2.58% 118589 2.57% 8350 2.49% 5630 7.23% 7222695 2.59%
23 1377553 4.02% 883157 3.97% 185831 4.03% 13724 4.09% 8655 11.11% 11085557 3.98%
24 1216752 3.55% 796101 3.58% 169433 3.67% 12857 3.83% 8175 10.50% 10174923 3.65%
25 1227203 3.58% 795007 3.58% 155206 3.37% 12230 3.64% 7802 10.02% 10026382 3.60%
26 1185734 3.46% 762489 3.43% 149400 3.24% 12176 3.63% 7775 9.98% 9624749 3.46%
27 1181302 3.45% 766530 3.45% 164290 3.56% 12334 3.67% 7973 10.24% 9889600 3.55%
28 882878 2.58% 577779 2.60% 135781 2.95% 8520 2.54% 5772 7.41% 7840108 2.82%
29 812763 2.37% 526462 2.37% 106369 2.31% 8084 2.41% 5532 7.10% 6537344 2.35%
30 1222180 3.57% 767418 3.45% 166182 3.60% 12108 3.61% 7662 9.84% 10026891 3.60%
31 1239844 3.62% 783486 3.53% 158765 3.44% 12180 3.63% 7810 10.03% 9739533 3.50%

Hourly usage for January 2006

Hourly Statistics for January 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 17183 532688 1.55% 10523 326231 1.47% 2419 74992 1.63% 144585 4482124 1.61%
1 8022 248706 0.73% 5209 161500 0.73% 1454 45088 0.98% 71112 2204484 0.79%
2 4475 138737 0.40% 3060 94881 0.43% 1080 33488 0.73% 46193 1431974 0.51%
3 3370 104486 0.31% 2302 71386 0.32% 919 28515 0.62% 34755 1077413 0.39%
4 3127 96964 0.28% 2331 72284 0.33% 954 29593 0.64% 35223 1091901 0.39%
5 4862 150745 0.44% 3572 110736 0.50% 1024 31774 0.69% 44600 1382608 0.50%
6 11759 364545 1.06% 8004 248139 1.12% 1962 60845 1.32% 101614 3150035 1.13%
7 30044 931388 2.72% 19920 617527 2.78% 4232 131195 2.85% 238213 7384615 2.65%
8 45527 1411350 4.12% 30226 937036 4.22% 6382 197855 4.29% 381411 11823749 4.25%
9 55525 1721294 5.02% 36477 1130816 5.09% 7648 237115 5.14% 459384 14240896 5.11%
10 60804 1884950 5.50% 40471 1254631 5.65% 8164 253105 5.49% 510919 15838503 5.69%
11 65546 2031927 5.93% 43024 1333758 6.00% 8656 268344 5.82% 537862 16673728 5.99%
12 71013 2201426 6.43% 46339 1436528 6.46% 9369 290455 6.30% 574507 17809728 6.39%
13 72825 2257583 6.59% 47669 1477750 6.65% 9921 307576 6.67% 611783 18965262 6.81%
14 79284 2457819 7.17% 51722 1603399 7.21% 10782 334253 7.25% 660243 20467520 7.35%
15 83609 2591887 7.57% 54977 1704310 7.67% 11615 360071 7.81% 685791 21259521 7.63%
16 81967 2540989 7.42% 53309 1652580 7.44% 10927 338759 7.35% 658811 20423147 7.33%
17 75069 2327152 6.79% 48698 1509661 6.79% 9808 304049 6.59% 598366 18549351 6.66%
18 68909 2136188 6.24% 44747 1387163 6.24% 8897 275819 5.98% 552283 17120773 6.15%
19 62802 1946865 5.68% 40908 1268176 5.71% 7965 246935 5.36% 500309 15509567 5.57%
20 62443 1935747 5.65% 39494 1224324 5.51% 7641 236890 5.14% 485146 15039513 5.40%
21 57194 1773015 5.18% 35095 1087946 4.90% 7159 221954 4.81% 429729 13321602 4.78%
22 49076 1521372 4.44% 29883 926375 4.17% 5956 184662 4.01% 379033 11750008 4.22%
23 30602 948671 2.77% 18953 587553 2.64% 3779 117150 2.54% 241859 7497632 2.69%

Top 30 of 33320 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2550173 7.44% 81564542 29.29% /ba/
2 525897 1.54% 14516856 5.21% /bb/
3 524290 1.53% 7594492 2.73% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
4 384493 1.12% 505872 0.18% /ba/wap.php
5 351520 1.03% 1277351 0.46% /ba/_/styl.css
6 347175 1.01% 445650 0.16% /ba/styl.css
7 340083 0.99% 199326 0.07% /ba/_/tlac.css
8 340025 0.99% 4254078 1.53% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
9 340009 0.99% 621724 0.22% /ba/_/menu.css
10 339884 0.99% 325290 0.12% /ba/menu.css
11 336780 0.98% 272925 0.10% /ba/_/hmenu.js
12 336056 0.98% 452144 0.16% /ba/_/lmenu.js
13 335034 0.98% 35024 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
14 332272 0.97% 428477 0.15% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
15 299844 0.88% 103770 0.04% /_/obrazky/bannery/localnet_sk_2005-01.swf
16 297425 0.87% 7984324 2.87% /ke/
17 145324 0.42% 4178001 1.50% /nr/
18 131597 0.38% 3171553 1.14% /za/
19 99198 0.29% 1875023 0.67% /transport/
20 91314 0.27% 257551 0.09% /bb/_/styl.css
21 90757 0.26% 90154 0.03% /bb/styl.css
22 89755 0.26% 40855 0.01% /bb/_/tlac.css
23 89610 0.26% 66128 0.02% /bb/menu.css
24 89479 0.26% 876681 0.31% /bb/_/coolmenus4.js
25 89470 0.26% 126563 0.05% /bb/_/menu.css
26 88068 0.26% 7190 0.00% /bb/_/preload_obrazkov.js
27 87245 0.25% 88733 0.03% /bb/_/mesta_sk.js
28 87173 0.25% 91979 0.03% /bb/_/lmenu.js
29 87154 0.25% 55460 0.02% /bb/_/hmenu.js
30 83878 0.24% 1975374 0.71% /po/
View All URLs

Top 10 of 33320 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2550173 7.44% 81564542 29.29% /ba/
2 525897 1.54% 14516856 5.21% /bb/
3 297425 0.87% 7984324 2.87% /ke/
4 524290 1.53% 7594492 2.73% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
5 340025 0.99% 4254078 1.53% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
6 145324 0.42% 4178001 1.50% /nr/
7 131597 0.38% 3171553 1.14% /za/
8 83878 0.24% 1975374 0.71% /po/
9 99198 0.29% 1875023 0.67% /transport/
10 1515 0.00% 1300907 0.47% /download/SimTr01012005.exe

Top 10 of 61 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6645 0.02% 194553 64.54% /
2 2550173 7.44% 61728 20.48% /ba/
3 525897 1.54% 16968 5.63% /bb/
4 99198 0.29% 9489 3.15% /transport/
5 297425 0.87% 7408 2.46% /ke/
6 145324 0.42% 3935 1.31% /nr/
7 131597 0.38% 3256 1.08% /za/
8 83878 0.24% 2339 0.78% /po/
9 50907 0.15% 928 0.31% /mhd/
10 725 0.00% 207 0.07% /dpb/

Top 10 of 63 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2550173 7.44% 228393 68.17% /ba/
2 525897 1.54% 39607 11.82% /bb/
3 297425 0.87% 17899 5.34% /ke/
4 99198 0.29% 12562 3.75% /transport/
5 145324 0.42% 10559 3.15% /nr/
6 131597 0.38% 8712 2.60% /za/
7 83878 0.24% 5087 1.52% /po/
8 6645 0.02% 4127 1.23% /
9 50907 0.15% 2815 0.84% /mhd/
10 32251 0.09% 1984 0.59% /transport/clanky/

Top 30 of 77878 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 382785 1.12% 240977 1.08% 3984557 1.43% 120 0.04%
2 368555 1.08% 341626 1.54% 490192 0.18% 68 0.02%
3 356884 1.04% 254744 1.15% 3016914 1.08% 157 0.05%
4 279311 0.82% 175497 0.79% 2270349 0.82% 216 0.06%
5 215151 0.63% 157832 0.71% 2627674 0.94% 161 0.05%
6 204437 0.60% 133322 0.60% 1421419 0.51% 132 0.04%
7 185801 0.54% 129318 0.58% 1583661 0.57% 262 0.08%
8 185789 0.54% 100350 0.45% 999193 0.36% 258 0.08%
9 181870 0.53% 12682 0.06% 271817 0.10% 149 0.04%
10 155924 0.46% 105371 0.47% 1592496 0.57% 211 0.06%
11 154398 0.45% 139856 0.63% 212010 0.08% 121 0.04%
12 152855 0.45% 118286 0.53% 1214394 0.44% 308 0.09%
13 145151 0.42% 66647 0.30% 908772 0.33% 292 0.09%
14 143479 0.42% 98398 0.44% 1032411 0.37% 150 0.04%
15 136096 0.40% 23603 0.11% 279863 0.10% 255 0.08%
16 131326 0.38% 83089 0.37% 898772 0.32% 179 0.05%
17 127062 0.37% 32385 0.15% 352088 0.13% 293 0.09%
18 118479 0.35% 86296 0.39% 902351 0.32% 210 0.06%
19 116525 0.34% 77974 0.35% 894891 0.32% 194 0.06%
20 106723 0.31% 53400 0.24% 670921 0.24% 162 0.05%
21 101801 0.30% 70676 0.32% 801842 0.29% 179 0.05%
22 93001 0.27% 90040 0.41% 2354683 0.85% 150 0.04%
23 92607 0.27% 54410 0.24% 556586 0.20% 300 0.09%
24 90855 0.27% 49489 0.22% 1221516 0.44% 205 0.06%
25 89581 0.26% 44898 0.20% 678770 0.24% 286 0.09%
26 85624 0.25% 56724 0.26% 657842 0.24% 275 0.08%
27 80278 0.23% 21510 0.10% 246861 0.09% 209 0.06%
28 75227 0.22% 46670 0.21% 398259 0.14% 282 0.08%
29 73991 0.22% 58914 0.27% 1370646 0.49% 247 0.07%
30 73497 0.21% 72072 0.32% 1422192 0.51% 90 0.03%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 77878 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 382785 1.12% 240977 1.08% 3984557 1.43% 120 0.04%
2 356884 1.04% 254744 1.15% 3016914 1.08% 157 0.05%
3 215151 0.63% 157832 0.71% 2627674 0.94% 161 0.05%
4 93001 0.27% 90040 0.41% 2354683 0.85% 150 0.04%
5 279311 0.82% 175497 0.79% 2270349 0.82% 216 0.06%
6 71297 0.21% 69403 0.31% 1681982 0.60% 93 0.03%
7 155924 0.46% 105371 0.47% 1592496 0.57% 211 0.06%
8 185801 0.54% 129318 0.58% 1583661 0.57% 262 0.08%
9 73497 0.21% 72072 0.32% 1422192 0.51% 90 0.03%
10 204437 0.60% 133322 0.60% 1421419 0.51% 132 0.04%

Top 30 of 3123 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8844580 25.82%
2 6609158 19.29%
3 4240198 12.38% - (Direct Request)
4 1703425 4.97%
5 1682141 4.91%
6 1318219 3.85%
7 1121339 3.27%
8 839046 2.45%
9 820178 2.39%
10 804513 2.35%
11 792051 2.31%
12 692822 2.02%
13 473389 1.38%
14 373779 1.09%
15 370281 1.08%
16 367330 1.07%
17 366262 1.07%
18 353075 1.03%
19 307905 0.90%
20 257258 0.75%
21 246754 0.72%
22 204931 0.60%
23 168725 0.49%
24 134919 0.39%
25 116926 0.34%
26 68617 0.20%
27 66263 0.19%
28 62173 0.18%
29 61985 0.18%
30 60787 0.18%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 1171 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 819 9.73% mhd bratislava
2 801 9.52% imhd
3 769 9.14% mhd
4 583 6.93%
5 491 5.84%
6 198 2.35%
7 194 2.31% mhd nitra
8 179 2.13% mhd banská bystrica
9 177 2.10%
10 160 1.90% mhd kosice
11 158 1.88% mhd ba
12 128 1.52% mhd bb
13 119 1.41% bratislava mhd
14 110 1.31% mhd zilina
15 101 1.20% simtr
16 75 0.89% banská bystrica
17 72 0.86% mhd košice
18 71 0.84% mhd banska bystrica
19 60 0.71% mhd žilina
20 56 0.67% mhd presov

Top 12 of 12 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 664 0.00% 664 0.00% 5909 0.00% 10 0.00% imhd
2 19 0.00% 19 0.00% 623 0.00% 1 0.00% recepcia
3 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 486 0.00% 1 0.00% nevidzanovas
4 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 369 0.00% 1 0.00% Zendulkal
5 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 375 0.00% 2 0.00% bodovaz
6 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 259 0.00% 1 0.00% Trajcikoval
7 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 251 0.00% 1 0.00% illyovak
8 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 272 0.00% 1 0.00% jakubcikovam
9 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 223 0.00% 1 0.00% zigom
10 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 141 0.00% 1 0.00% brnkovaj
11 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 106 0.00% 1 0.00% kule71
12 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 143 0.00% 1 0.00% liskovaj

Top 15 of 4005 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6867047 20.05% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 5095430 14.87% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
3 2940651 8.58% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 1209094 3.53% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
5 1168623 3.41% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
6 1007091 2.94% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
7 946369 2.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Ge
8 856437 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sk; rv:1.8) Gecko/20
9 760010 2.22% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko
10 635156 1.85% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxth
11 600898 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Ge
12 579044 1.69% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)
13 555279 1.62% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
14 544775 1.59% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
15 451537 1.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98)

Usage by Country for January 2006

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 34256494 100.00% 22266215 100.19% 278495655 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 100% Micro$oft free!