Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2006
Generated 01-Apr-2006 00:09 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2006
Total Hits 36094966
Total Files 23765141
Total Pages 5785452
Total Visits 379700
Total KBytes 329733190
Total Unique Sites 82237
Total Unique URLs 33986
Total Unique Referrers 4962
Total Unique Usernames 11
Total Unique User Agents 4178
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 48514 115816
Hits per Day 1164353 1377139
Files per Day 766617 886563
Pages per Day 186627 244163
Visits per Day 12248 13957
KBytes per Day 10636555 12347620
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 54
Code 200 - OK 23765141
Code 206 - Partial Content 33537
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 56099
Code 302 - Found 754144
Code 304 - Not Modified 11383367
Code 400 - Bad Request 21
Code 403 - Forbidden 4
Code 404 - Not Found 102557
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 7
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 14
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 10
Code 501 - Not Implemented 11

Daily usage for March 2006

Daily Statistics for March 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1233901 3.42% 798549 3.36% 184354 3.19% 13145 3.46% 8483 10.32% 10967946 3.33%
2 1271795 3.52% 832106 3.50% 189062 3.27% 13142 3.46% 8492 10.33% 11079537 3.36%
3 1317481 3.65% 874170 3.68% 204864 3.54% 13703 3.61% 8784 10.68% 12347620 3.74%
4 946954 2.62% 628854 2.65% 150805 2.61% 9693 2.55% 6517 7.92% 8467090 2.57%
5 964772 2.67% 674019 2.84% 152096 2.63% 9545 2.51% 6497 7.90% 9153911 2.78%
6 1314270 3.64% 848486 3.57% 205777 3.56% 13898 3.66% 8904 10.83% 11828103 3.59%
7 1318410 3.65% 853804 3.59% 196300 3.39% 13794 3.63% 8818 10.72% 12099846 3.67%
8 1287472 3.57% 829039 3.49% 204645 3.54% 13317 3.51% 8667 10.54% 11689781 3.55%
9 1377139 3.82% 886563 3.73% 205420 3.55% 13957 3.68% 8902 10.82% 12229455 3.71%
10 1298528 3.60% 862929 3.63% 185817 3.21% 13584 3.58% 8890 10.81% 11606077 3.52%
11 937580 2.60% 629242 2.65% 147345 2.55% 9613 2.53% 6628 8.06% 8788002 2.67%
12 997433 2.76% 692023 2.91% 164902 2.85% 9461 2.49% 6504 7.91% 9491157 2.88%
13 1245388 3.45% 805558 3.39% 198493 3.43% 13682 3.60% 8865 10.78% 11344051 3.44%
14 1241135 3.44% 814998 3.43% 196220 3.39% 13247 3.49% 8778 10.67% 11382459 3.45%
15 1309569 3.63% 861881 3.63% 244163 4.22% 13600 3.58% 8737 10.62% 11861218 3.60%
16 1191652 3.30% 774992 3.26% 175482 3.03% 12899 3.40% 8443 10.27% 10452352 3.17%
17 1293583 3.58% 854201 3.59% 225881 3.90% 13420 3.53% 8807 10.71% 11713772 3.55%
18 905848 2.51% 610495 2.57% 146952 2.54% 9728 2.56% 6675 8.12% 8195039 2.49%
19 897355 2.49% 611215 2.57% 149134 2.58% 9022 2.38% 6305 7.67% 8426088 2.56%
20 1225410 3.39% 804112 3.38% 198514 3.43% 13354 3.52% 8908 10.83% 11511619 3.49%
21 1189803 3.30% 774922 3.26% 199084 3.44% 13125 3.46% 8718 10.60% 10994736 3.33%
22 1216787 3.37% 804859 3.39% 204146 3.53% 12959 3.41% 8483 10.32% 11472654 3.48%
23 1192803 3.30% 764181 3.22% 201839 3.49% 13434 3.54% 8682 10.56% 10912614 3.31%
24 1249350 3.46% 829473 3.49% 204313 3.53% 13559 3.57% 8802 10.70% 11540539 3.50%
25 929373 2.57% 624383 2.63% 153596 2.65% 9795 2.58% 6809 8.28% 8616967 2.61%
26 861712 2.39% 584946 2.46% 146484 2.53% 9010 2.37% 6248 7.60% 8208638 2.49%
27 1156469 3.20% 756261 3.18% 190417 3.29% 12770 3.36% 8368 10.18% 10521658 3.19%
28 1126576 3.12% 738625 3.11% 190408 3.29% 12519 3.30% 8292 10.08% 10615175 3.22%
29 1221298 3.38% 794423 3.34% 186251 3.22% 12776 3.36% 8354 10.16% 10555701 3.20%
30 1154186 3.20% 741510 3.12% 182182 3.15% 12080 3.18% 7780 9.46% 10421351 3.16%
31 1220934 3.38% 804322 3.38% 200506 3.47% 12770 3.36% 8271 10.06% 11238032 3.41%

Hourly usage for March 2006

Hourly Statistics for March 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 14602 452686 1.25% 10448 323901 1.36% 3221 99855 1.73% 161031 4991963 1.51%
1 7639 236823 0.66% 5699 176686 0.74% 2392 74176 1.28% 102052 3163620 0.96%
2 4586 142193 0.39% 3676 113977 0.48% 1946 60349 1.04% 72638 2251788 0.68%
3 3874 120101 0.33% 3147 97574 0.41% 1929 59818 1.03% 66146 2050511 0.62%
4 4383 135890 0.38% 3413 105824 0.45% 2139 66323 1.15% 73679 2284051 0.69%
5 6205 192366 0.53% 4754 147382 0.62% 2498 77450 1.34% 89172 2764345 0.84%
6 16112 499499 1.38% 11363 352262 1.48% 3778 117129 2.02% 172037 5333154 1.62%
7 36320 1125920 3.12% 23951 742502 3.12% 6383 197896 3.42% 338866 10504860 3.19%
8 53416 1655926 4.59% 35481 1099911 4.63% 8629 267527 4.62% 497176 15412455 4.67%
9 59037 1830172 5.07% 38483 1192975 5.02% 9425 292176 5.05% 543264 16841198 5.11%
10 63418 1965975 5.45% 41529 1287406 5.42% 9973 309184 5.34% 583456 18087130 5.49%
11 68362 2119237 5.87% 44617 1383139 5.82% 11441 354683 6.13% 610557 18927254 5.74%
12 72993 2262790 6.27% 48072 1490254 6.27% 11950 370473 6.40% 653041 20244273 6.14%
13 77380 2398787 6.65% 50712 1572074 6.62% 11748 364218 6.30% 702739 21784913 6.61%
14 85677 2655999 7.36% 55424 1718169 7.23% 12729 394607 6.82% 766316 23755796 7.20%
15 87023 2697722 7.47% 56059 1737830 7.31% 13004 403142 6.97% 774395 24006254 7.28%
16 86780 2690208 7.45% 55993 1735812 7.30% 12593 390404 6.75% 768606 23826795 7.23%
17 80064 2481993 6.88% 52082 1614549 6.79% 11508 356756 6.17% 696513 21591909 6.55%
18 75189 2330883 6.46% 48914 1516348 6.38% 10700 331710 5.73% 659871 20456010 6.20%
19 66428 2059292 5.71% 44725 1386490 5.83% 9389 291084 5.03% 576898 17883824 5.42%
20 63771 1976905 5.48% 41777 1295112 5.45% 8969 278041 4.81% 545399 16907381 5.13%
21 58107 1801325 4.99% 37555 1164220 4.90% 8436 261535 4.52% 505593 15673373 4.75%
22 46271 1434408 3.97% 30635 949685 4.00% 7132 221106 3.82% 416095 12898936 3.91%
23 26705 827866 2.29% 18098 561059 2.36% 4703 145810 2.52% 261013 8091394 2.45%

Top 30 of 33986 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3619321 10.03% 114080975 34.60% /ba/
2 813277 2.25% 11783164 3.57% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
3 415865 1.15% 550593 0.17% /ba/wap.php
4 410334 1.14% 12270231 3.72% /ke/
5 382108 1.06% 1198522 0.36% /ba/_/styl.css
6 379672 1.05% 445505 0.14% /ba/styl.css
7 376361 1.04% 567380 0.17% /ba/_/menu.css
8 375803 1.04% 4472098 1.36% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
9 372619 1.03% 278735 0.08% /ba/_/hmenu.js
10 370585 1.03% 457294 0.14% /ba/_/lmenu.js
11 368905 1.02% 35486 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
12 366519 1.02% 435481 0.13% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
13 366506 1.02% 315331 0.10% /ba/menu.css
14 366223 1.01% 193590 0.06% /ba/_/tlac.css
15 317121 0.88% 9264064 2.81% /bb/
16 226775 0.63% 6947445 2.11% /nr/
17 114466 0.32% 2108421 0.64% /transport/
18 109662 0.30% 2915535 0.88% /po/
19 85473 0.24% 2013816 0.61% /za/
20 57896 0.16% 1134562 0.34% /mhd/
21 54690 0.15% 73652 0.02% /bb/wap.php
22 51059 0.14% 160211 0.05% /ke/_/styl.css
23 50515 0.14% 590616 0.18% /ke/_/coolmenus4.js
24 50365 0.14% 56179 0.02% /ke/styl.css
25 50312 0.14% 75245 0.02% /ke/_/menu.css
26 50254 0.14% 4753 0.00% /ke/_/preload_obrazkov.js
27 49891 0.14% 71043 0.02% /ke/wap.php
28 49798 0.14% 60608 0.02% /ke/_/lmenu.js
29 49788 0.14% 58364 0.02% /ke/_/mesta_sk.js
30 49652 0.14% 36369 0.01% /ke/_/hmenu.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 33986 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3619321 10.03% 114080975 34.60% /ba/
2 410334 1.14% 12270231 3.72% /ke/
3 813277 2.25% 11783164 3.57% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
4 317121 0.88% 9264064 2.81% /bb/
5 226775 0.63% 6947445 2.11% /nr/
6 375803 1.04% 4472098 1.36% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
7 109662 0.30% 2915535 0.88% /po/
8 114466 0.32% 2108421 0.64% /transport/
9 85473 0.24% 2013816 0.61% /za/
10 382108 1.06% 1198522 0.36% /ba/_/styl.css

Top 10 of 72 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4206 0.01% 214510 62.65% /
2 3619321 10.03% 78393 22.90% /ba/
3 317121 0.88% 14825 4.33% /bb/
4 410334 1.14% 11389 3.33% /ke/
5 114466 0.32% 9640 2.82% /transport/
6 226775 0.63% 5481 1.60% /nr/
7 85473 0.24% 3091 0.90% /za/
8 109662 0.30% 2795 0.82% /po/
9 57896 0.16% 1291 0.38% /mhd/
10 1608 0.00% 233 0.07% /dpb/

Top 10 of 85 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3619321 10.03% 266263 70.25% /ba/
2 317121 0.88% 30306 8.00% /bb/
3 410334 1.14% 28017 7.39% /ke/
4 226775 0.63% 14747 3.89% /nr/
5 114466 0.32% 12612 3.33% /transport/
6 85473 0.24% 8452 2.23% /za/
7 109662 0.30% 6311 1.67% /po/
8 4206 0.01% 4046 1.07% /
9 57896 0.16% 3311 0.87% /mhd/
10 1608 0.00% 1197 0.32% /dpb/

Top 30 of 82237 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 400631 1.11% 377985 1.59% 11460450 3.48% 12 0.00%
2 379435 1.05% 262067 1.10% 3257942 0.99% 133 0.04%
3 369087 1.02% 342421 1.44% 493826 0.15% 72 0.02%
4 343206 0.95% 213049 0.90% 2889924 0.88% 155 0.04%
5 312348 0.87% 206914 0.87% 3596903 1.09% 115 0.03%
6 292124 0.81% 277556 1.17% 8003362 2.43% 10 0.00%
7 281579 0.78% 198607 0.84% 3566679 1.08% 153 0.04%
8 272393 0.75% 254329 1.07% 7912244 2.40% 32 0.01%
9 265530 0.74% 17998 0.08% 402193 0.12% 170 0.04%
10 206740 0.57% 149217 0.63% 1810360 0.55% 249 0.07%
11 206000 0.57% 160992 0.68% 1708707 0.52% 266 0.07%
12 153008 0.42% 138359 0.58% 208095 0.06% 118 0.03%
13 145121 0.40% 105561 0.44% 1928504 0.58% 202 0.05%
14 140561 0.39% 99822 0.42% 944496 0.29% 326 0.09%
15 129131 0.36% 17456 0.07% 240201 0.07% 301 0.08%
16 123348 0.34% 118585 0.50% 3682929 1.12% 20 0.01%
17 123119 0.34% 56609 0.24% 753386 0.23% 206 0.05%
18 108913 0.30% 76077 0.32% 761331 0.23% 220 0.06%
19 98343 0.27% 42501 0.18% 514368 0.16% 294 0.08%
20 96636 0.27% 78673 0.33% 1956726 0.59% 207 0.05%
21 95561 0.26% 68637 0.29% 639856 0.19% 289 0.08%
22 92886 0.26% 91864 0.39% 1482467 0.45% 41 0.01%
23 89828 0.25% 28517 0.12% 491749 0.15% 257 0.07%
24 88260 0.24% 44618 0.19% 1432714 0.43% 241 0.06%
25 87991 0.24% 31999 0.13% 324678 0.10% 261 0.07%
26 86936 0.24% 41729 0.18% 691863 0.21% 287 0.08%
27 83533 0.23% 50172 0.21% 616147 0.19% 329 0.09%
28 82624 0.23% 61480 0.26% 844560 0.26% 101 0.03%
29 82293 0.23% 40956 0.17% 536021 0.16% 274 0.07%
30 80114 0.22% 48211 0.20% 620658 0.19% 348 0.09%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 82237 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 400631 1.11% 377985 1.59% 11460450 3.48% 12 0.00%
2 292124 0.81% 277556 1.17% 8003362 2.43% 10 0.00%
3 272393 0.75% 254329 1.07% 7912244 2.40% 32 0.01%
4 123348 0.34% 118585 0.50% 3682929 1.12% 20 0.01%
5 312348 0.87% 206914 0.87% 3596903 1.09% 115 0.03%
6 281579 0.78% 198607 0.84% 3566679 1.08% 153 0.04%
7 379435 1.05% 262067 1.10% 3257942 0.99% 133 0.04%
8 343206 0.95% 213049 0.90% 2889924 0.88% 155 0.04%
9 96636 0.27% 78673 0.33% 1956726 0.59% 207 0.05%
10 145121 0.40% 105561 0.44% 1928504 0.58% 202 0.05%

Top 30 of 4962 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 10257909 28.42%
2 7334569 20.32%
3 5029448 13.93% - (Direct Request)
4 1523809 4.22%
5 1451106 4.02%
6 1037601 2.87%
7 1020917 2.83%
8 963890 2.67%
9 949640 2.63%
10 600004 1.66%
11 482971 1.34%
12 472597 1.31%
13 444747 1.23%
14 418175 1.16%
15 404955 1.12%
16 331202 0.92%
17 323103 0.90%
18 303546 0.84%
19 287674 0.80%
20 266426 0.74%
21 241334 0.67%
22 231897 0.64%
23 221535 0.61%
24 213143 0.59%
25 132225 0.37%
26 86470 0.24%
27 64685 0.18%
28 58786 0.16%
29 58353 0.16%
30 48951 0.14%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 1267 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1198 14.68% mhd bratislava
2 805 9.87% mhd
3 793 9.72% imhd
4 379 4.64%
5 363 4.45%
6 245 3.00% mhd nitra
7 176 2.16%
8 171 2.10% mhd kosice
9 157 1.92% mhd ba
10 149 1.83% bratislava mhd
11 132 1.62% mhd zilina
12 115 1.41%
13 107 1.31% mhd bb
14 82 1.00% karosa-
15 81 0.99% mhd košice
16 49 0.60% mhd ke
17 48 0.59% simtr
18 44 0.54% mhd prešov
19 42 0.51% imhd bb
20 42 0.51% mhd presov

Top 11 of 11 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 48 0.00% 48 0.00% 1664 0.00% 1 0.00% boronovav
2 17 0.00% 17 0.00% 628 0.00% 3 0.00% hejnarovaa
3 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 473 0.00% 1 0.00% brnkovaj
4 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 460 0.00% 2 0.00% jakubcikovam
5 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 381 0.00% 2 0.00% bielokosztolskae
6 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 245 0.00% 1 0.00% Zendulkal
7 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 1 0.00% 0905889061
8 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 128 0.00% 1 0.00% brnkovae
9 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 121 0.00% 1 0.00% skotnickyj
10 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 48 0.00% 1 0.00% recepcia
11 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 22 0.00% 1 0.00% zettikovad

Top 15 of 4178 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 6614579 18.33% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 5892350 16.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
3 2719899 7.54% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 1366795 3.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sk; rv: Geck
5 1223424 3.39% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
6 1194155 3.31% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
7 1181631 3.27% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
8 1118456 3.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
9 903321 2.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
10 758932 2.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Ge
11 618682 1.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv: Geck
12 589840 1.63% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
13 515017 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Ge
14 471695 1.31% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxth
15 466171 1.29% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)

Usage by Country for March 2006

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 36094966 100.00% 23798678 100.14% 329733190 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

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