Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2006
Generated 01-Jun-2006 00:11 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2006
Total Hits 31912970
Total Files 21325909
Total Pages 5472121
Total Visits 353198
Total KBytes 303382750
Total Unique Sites 79228
Total Unique URLs 34631
Total Unique Referrers 3424
Total Unique Usernames 14
Total Unique User Agents 4220
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 42893 100690
Hits per Day 1029450 1212022
Files per Day 687932 789743
Pages per Day 176520 203785
Visits per Day 11393 13763
KBytes per Day 9786540 11432413
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 21325909
Code 206 - Partial Content 30716
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 49983
Code 302 - Found 712754
Code 304 - Not Modified 9660697
Code 400 - Bad Request 10
Code 401 - Unauthorized 2
Code 403 - Forbidden 27
Code 404 - Not Found 132848
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 11
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 10
Code 501 - Not Implemented 2

Daily usage for May 2006

Daily Statistics for May 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 935273 2.93% 653317 3.06% 163137 2.98% 9978 2.83% 7017 8.86% 9401026 3.10%
2 1176780 3.69% 774148 3.63% 200854 3.67% 13210 3.74% 8670 10.94% 10952333 3.61%
3 1176871 3.69% 785082 3.68% 203785 3.72% 13689 3.88% 8936 11.28% 11414428 3.76%
4 1144212 3.59% 758289 3.56% 203435 3.72% 13377 3.79% 8923 11.26% 11027342 3.63%
5 1111412 3.48% 743583 3.49% 194393 3.55% 13073 3.70% 8763 11.06% 10733587 3.54%
6 797523 2.50% 553797 2.60% 146890 2.68% 8985 2.54% 6319 7.98% 7849445 2.59%
7 759987 2.38% 526772 2.47% 142819 2.61% 8326 2.36% 5895 7.44% 7832554 2.58%
8 847234 2.65% 608163 2.85% 149624 2.73% 9138 2.59% 6434 8.12% 8296695 2.73%
9 1052688 3.30% 695416 3.26% 175806 3.21% 12269 3.47% 7967 10.06% 9620439 3.17%
10 1031937 3.23% 677972 3.18% 191442 3.50% 12825 3.63% 8336 10.52% 9432793 3.11%
11 1099821 3.45% 728406 3.42% 188461 3.44% 12121 3.43% 8013 10.11% 10363979 3.42%
12 1080578 3.39% 718857 3.37% 185696 3.39% 12906 3.65% 8446 10.66% 10048540 3.31%
13 762089 2.39% 522738 2.45% 140708 2.57% 8968 2.54% 6334 7.99% 7485765 2.47%
14 786682 2.47% 548605 2.57% 143561 2.62% 8471 2.40% 6093 7.69% 7903621 2.61%
15 1085557 3.40% 711653 3.34% 183966 3.36% 11976 3.39% 7978 10.07% 10271667 3.39%
16 1067707 3.35% 708038 3.32% 186148 3.40% 12354 3.50% 8209 10.36% 10313320 3.40%
17 1065402 3.34% 709848 3.33% 190041 3.47% 12365 3.50% 8046 10.16% 10366918 3.42%
18 1075558 3.37% 722402 3.39% 193755 3.54% 12488 3.54% 8402 10.60% 10438954 3.44%
19 1116102 3.50% 759169 3.56% 193309 3.53% 12185 3.45% 8148 10.28% 10779399 3.55%
20 798473 2.50% 561238 2.63% 150325 2.75% 8585 2.43% 6157 7.77% 8192605 2.70%
21 840095 2.63% 596664 2.80% 149630 2.73% 9030 2.56% 6316 7.97% 8372887 2.76%
22 1171314 3.67% 759862 3.56% 187658 3.43% 12492 3.54% 8291 10.46% 10704384 3.53%
23 1137958 3.57% 740475 3.47% 187204 3.42% 13763 3.90% 8836 11.15% 10556281 3.48%
24 1212022 3.80% 767530 3.60% 187925 3.43% 12591 3.56% 8453 10.67% 10509913 3.46%
25 1125711 3.53% 743328 3.49% 174712 3.19% 12138 3.44% 8074 10.19% 9989646 3.29%
26 1211727 3.80% 789743 3.70% 200572 3.67% 12644 3.58% 8466 10.69% 11432413 3.77%
27 861152 2.70% 583309 2.74% 148084 2.71% 8478 2.40% 6101 7.70% 8314102 2.74%
28 825404 2.59% 564891 2.65% 143699 2.63% 7943 2.25% 5852 7.39% 8306238 2.74%
29 1195801 3.75% 778819 3.65% 192198 3.51% 12231 3.46% 8173 10.32% 10838695 3.57%
30 1163023 3.64% 759730 3.56% 186216 3.40% 12408 3.51% 8332 10.52% 10566807 3.48%
31 1196877 3.75% 774065 3.63% 186068 3.40% 12989 3.68% 8579 10.83% 11065973 3.65%

Hourly usage for May 2006

Hourly Statistics for May 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 13756 426451 1.34% 10022 310697 1.46% 3607 111838 2.04% 172596 5350463 1.76%
1 7764 240714 0.75% 6110 189420 0.89% 2998 92944 1.70% 121189 3756859 1.24%
2 5036 156132 0.49% 4157 128869 0.60% 2615 81090 1.48% 94184 2919696 0.96%
3 4027 124856 0.39% 3458 107228 0.50% 2409 74693 1.36% 84280 2612679 0.86%
4 4521 140160 0.44% 3763 116659 0.55% 2501 77559 1.42% 87896 2724762 0.90%
5 6255 193928 0.61% 4953 153547 0.72% 2852 88436 1.62% 101511 3146842 1.04%
6 15046 466427 1.46% 10648 330093 1.55% 3873 120079 2.19% 170110 5273417 1.74%
7 32969 1022052 3.20% 21957 680686 3.19% 6258 194018 3.55% 321844 9977169 3.29%
8 47766 1480760 4.64% 31062 962922 4.52% 8054 249678 4.56% 451060 13982859 4.61%
9 55672 1725851 5.41% 35975 1115225 5.23% 9104 282228 5.16% 521876 16178170 5.33%
10 57466 1781470 5.58% 37765 1170739 5.49% 9429 292311 5.34% 533133 16527130 5.45%
11 61346 1901746 5.96% 40071 1242225 5.82% 9852 305428 5.58% 563428 17466259 5.76%
12 65018 2015573 6.32% 43249 1340738 6.29% 10160 314986 5.76% 595761 18468591 6.09%
13 70580 2188006 6.86% 46692 1447466 6.79% 11000 341026 6.23% 641139 19875296 6.55%
14 75438 2338607 7.33% 50328 1560198 7.32% 11834 366872 6.70% 690616 21409109 7.06%
15 74625 2313401 7.25% 49072 1521239 7.13% 11597 359519 6.57% 675327 20935138 6.90%
16 70654 2190287 6.86% 46186 1431774 6.71% 10814 335247 6.13% 632482 19606949 6.46%
17 64601 2002636 6.28% 42381 1313812 6.16% 10041 311280 5.69% 575156 17829850 5.88%
18 59800 1853826 5.81% 38974 1208212 5.67% 9281 287719 5.26% 528802 16392849 5.40%
19 54698 1695666 5.31% 37014 1147435 5.38% 8529 264407 4.83% 507574 15734790 5.19%
20 55542 1721806 5.40% 38077 1180402 5.54% 8779 272179 4.97% 524512 16259857 5.36%
21 55719 1727305 5.41% 37067 1149091 5.39% 8590 266294 4.87% 502794 15586610 5.14%
22 45374 1406618 4.41% 31044 962384 4.51% 7367 228383 4.17% 423388 13125023 4.33%
23 25764 798692 2.50% 17898 554848 2.60% 4964 153907 2.81% 265883 8242384 2.72%

Top 30 of 34631 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3313672 10.38% 103078169 33.98% /ba/
2 713917 2.24% 10343391 3.41% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
3 508648 1.59% 18311328 6.04% /ke/
4 368377 1.15% 474856 0.16% /ba/wap.php
5 343493 1.08% 395152 0.13% /ba/styl.css
6 340390 1.07% 1083173 0.36% /ba/_/styl.css
7 340107 1.07% 3989237 1.31% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
8 337590 1.06% 518400 0.17% /ba/_/menu.css
9 337098 1.06% 246252 0.08% /ba/_/hmenu.js
10 335133 1.05% 31476 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
11 334033 1.05% 401494 0.13% /ba/_/lmenu.js
12 333618 1.05% 279582 0.09% /ba/menu.css
13 332999 1.04% 172618 0.06% /ba/_/tlac.css
14 330215 1.03% 381929 0.13% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
15 291678 0.91% 8297656 2.74% /bb/
16 239741 0.75% 7677155 2.53% /nr/
17 111044 0.35% 2133926 0.70% /transport/
18 98919 0.31% 2807785 0.93% /po/
19 67148 0.21% 1519645 0.50% /za/
20 53912 0.17% 1079053 0.36% /mhd/
21 45302 0.14% 60225 0.02% /bb/wap.php
22 42402 0.13% 49303 0.02% /bb/styl.css
23 42006 0.13% 499857 0.16% /bb/_/coolmenus4.js
24 41917 0.13% 138849 0.05% /bb/_/styl.css
25 41683 0.13% 67009 0.02% /bb/_/menu.css
26 41481 0.13% 35524 0.01% /bb/menu.css
27 41341 0.13% 21792 0.01% /bb/_/tlac.css
28 41322 0.13% 61326 0.02% /mhd/styl.css
29 41254 0.13% 30309 0.01% /bb/_/hmenu.js
30 41216 0.13% 174868 0.06% /mhd/_/styl.css
View All URLs

Top 10 of 34631 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3313672 10.38% 103078169 33.98% /ba/
2 508648 1.59% 18311328 6.04% /ke/
3 713917 2.24% 10343391 3.41% /_/obrazky/bannery/patagonia2006_2005.php
4 291678 0.91% 8297656 2.74% /bb/
5 239741 0.75% 7677155 2.53% /nr/
6 340107 1.07% 3989237 1.31% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
7 98919 0.31% 2807785 0.93% /po/
8 111044 0.35% 2133926 0.70% /transport/
9 67148 0.21% 1519645 0.50% /za/
10 340390 1.07% 1083173 0.36% /ba/_/styl.css

Top 10 of 93 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3313672 10.38% 77365 63.21% /ba/
2 291678 0.91% 13275 10.85% /bb/
3 508648 1.59% 10653 8.70% /ke/
4 111044 0.35% 6614 5.40% /transport/
5 239741 0.75% 5608 4.58% /nr/
6 67148 0.21% 2722 2.22% /za/
7 98919 0.31% 2564 2.09% /po/
8 53912 0.17% 1661 1.36% /mhd/
9 2074 0.01% 1035 0.85% /dpb/
10 1454 0.00% 157 0.13% /history/2003_scifi029/ba/

Top 10 of 95 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3313672 10.38% 250174 71.56% /ba/
2 291678 0.91% 27637 7.91% /bb/
3 508648 1.59% 26437 7.56% /ke/
4 239741 0.75% 14793 4.23% /nr/
5 111044 0.35% 9500 2.72% /transport/
6 67148 0.21% 6840 1.96% /za/
7 98919 0.31% 6036 1.73% /po/
8 53912 0.17% 3550 1.02% /mhd/
9 2074 0.01% 1776 0.51% /dpb/
10 7680 0.02% 933 0.27% /transport/clanky/

Top 30 of 79228 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 439028 1.38% 25893 0.12% 604321 0.20% 197 0.06%
2 343889 1.08% 240216 1.13% 2902729 0.96% 142 0.04%
3 308706 0.97% 285608 1.34% 412756 0.14% 87 0.02%
4 307711 0.96% 174748 0.82% 2765261 0.91% 178 0.05%
5 306596 0.96% 279755 1.31% 9290362 3.06% 3 0.00%
6 298923 0.94% 279356 1.31% 9407332 3.10% 3 0.00%
7 295225 0.93% 172130 0.81% 3051004 1.01% 158 0.04%
8 273141 0.86% 259134 1.22% 8204827 2.70% 2 0.00%
9 257499 0.81% 166521 0.78% 1989647 0.66% 198 0.06%
10 243249 0.76% 228588 1.07% 7340886 2.42% 3 0.00%
11 230900 0.72% 132556 0.62% 1470289 0.48% 254 0.07%
12 220167 0.69% 204565 0.96% 5994990 1.98% 2 0.00%
13 199013 0.62% 150662 0.71% 1593758 0.53% 268 0.08%
14 136494 0.43% 124500 0.58% 185309 0.06% 121 0.03%
15 108357 0.34% 83044 0.39% 1905221 0.63% 85 0.02%
16 101208 0.32% 72239 0.34% 860612 0.28% 142 0.04%
17 100905 0.32% 73274 0.34% 727603 0.24% 219 0.06%
18 94945 0.30% 77860 0.37% 1955571 0.64% 232 0.07%
19 91097 0.29% 33559 0.16% 456161 0.15% 273 0.08%
20 89785 0.28% 65590 0.31% 580183 0.19% 344 0.10%
21 89745 0.28% 64495 0.30% 539181 0.18% 346 0.10%
22 86062 0.27% 66904 0.31% 825627 0.27% 119 0.03%
23 83865 0.26% 20408 0.10% 245758 0.08% 277 0.08%
24 80248 0.25% 44670 0.21% 539522 0.18% 238 0.07%
25 70136 0.22% 44614 0.21% 544525 0.18% 366 0.10%
26 68671 0.22% 49795 0.23% 587436 0.19% 382 0.11%
27 68351 0.21% 38931 0.18% 590933 0.19% 298 0.08%
28 66979 0.21% 43398 0.20% 512473 0.17% 336 0.10%
29 66801 0.21% 17769 0.08% 417748 0.14% 170 0.05%
30 63833 0.20% 17830 0.08% 381703 0.13% 102 0.03%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 79228 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 298923 0.94% 279356 1.31% 9407332 3.10% 3 0.00%
2 306596 0.96% 279755 1.31% 9290362 3.06% 3 0.00%
3 273141 0.86% 259134 1.22% 8204827 2.70% 2 0.00%
4 243249 0.76% 228588 1.07% 7340886 2.42% 3 0.00%
5 220167 0.69% 204565 0.96% 5994990 1.98% 2 0.00%
6 295225 0.93% 172130 0.81% 3051004 1.01% 158 0.04%
7 343889 1.08% 240216 1.13% 2902729 0.96% 142 0.04%
8 307711 0.96% 174748 0.82% 2765261 0.91% 178 0.05%
9 257499 0.81% 166521 0.78% 1989647 0.66% 198 0.06%
10 94945 0.30% 77860 0.37% 1955571 0.64% 232 0.07%

Top 30 of 3424 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8835707 27.69%
2 6629428 20.77%
3 4910255 15.39% - (Direct Request)
4 1394336 4.37%
5 1292849 4.05%
6 921693 2.89%
7 844005 2.64%
8 803584 2.52%
9 582667 1.83%
10 543967 1.70%
11 427117 1.34%
12 362868 1.14%
13 355791 1.11%
14 346844 1.09%
15 307737 0.96%
16 300223 0.94%
17 277080 0.87%
18 258712 0.81%
19 247379 0.78%
20 219633 0.69%
21 212481 0.67%
22 179462 0.56%
23 172907 0.54%
24 164857 0.52%
25 121608 0.38%
26 99491 0.31%
27 73673 0.23%
28 59773 0.19%
29 57892 0.18%
30 47294 0.15%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 1438 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1003 11.74% mhd bratislava
2 1001 11.71% imhd
3 679 7.95% mhd
4 372 4.35%
5 334 3.91%
6 265 3.10% mhd nitra
7 224 2.62% mhd kosice
8 217 2.54% mhd ba
9 186 2.18%
10 141 1.65%
11 141 1.65%
12 128 1.50% mercedes 345
13 128 1.50% mhd bb
14 113 1.32% bratislava mhd
15 95 1.11% mhd zilina
16 89 1.04% mhd košice
17 79 0.92% mhd ke
18 62 0.73%
19 56 0.66% mhd sk
20 56 0.66% mhd žilina

Top 14 of 14 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 54 0.00% 54 0.00% 346 0.00% 2 0.00% imhd
2 29 0.00% 29 0.00% 37 0.00% 1 0.00% wap
3 27 0.00% 27 0.00% 963 0.00% 2 0.00% Zendulkal
4 21 0.00% 21 0.00% 738 0.00% 2 0.00% standovae
5 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 489 0.00% 2 0.00% jakubcikovam
6 8 0.00% 8 0.00% 311 0.00% 2 0.00% bielokosztolskae
7 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 255 0.00% 1 0.00% m648512
8 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 274 0.00% 1 0.00% Michalkovae
9 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 231 0.00% 1 0.00% konderikovam
10 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 40 0.00% 2 0.00% KENNEDY1
11 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 142 0.00% 1 0.00% adamcoval
12 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 140 0.00% 1 0.00% benkovskap
13 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 118 0.00% 1 0.00% grolla
14 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 36 0.00% 1 0.00% yks82

Top 15 of 4220 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 5513254 17.28% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2 5463588 17.12% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
3 2031158 6.36% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 1441530 4.52% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
5 1410416 4.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sk; rv: Geck
6 1060336 3.32% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
7 996231 3.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
8 925927 2.90% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
9 917834 2.88% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
10 586643 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Ge
11 549561 1.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv: Geck
12 472298 1.48% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
13 376018 1.18% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxth
14 358984 1.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Ge
15 357602 1.12% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)

Usage by Country for May 2006

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 31912970 100.00% 21356625 100.14% 303382750 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 100% Micro$oft free!