Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: July 2006
Generated 26-Jul-2006 18:03 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for July 2006
Total Hits 27103347
Total Files 17398705
Total Pages 4725923
Total Visits 296719
Total KBytes 256499122
Total Unique Sites 71966
Total Unique URLs 34867
Total Unique Referrers 2977
Total Unique Usernames 11
Total Unique User Agents 3951
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 43434 116908
Hits per Day 1042436 1606761
Files per Day 669180 1027081
Pages per Day 181766 275421
Visits per Day 11412 16808
KBytes per Day 9865351 15288098
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 9
Code 200 - OK 17398705
Code 206 - Partial Content 23566
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 42656
Code 302 - Found 571290
Code 304 - Not Modified 8887716
Code 400 - Bad Request 10
Code 404 - Not Found 179341
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 5
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 9
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 38
Code 501 - Not Implemented 2

Daily usage for July 2006

Daily Statistics for July 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 876115 3.23% 583484 3.35% 157559 3.33% 9661 3.26% 6503 9.04% 8689423 3.39%
2 1027244 3.79% 711021 4.09% 176813 3.74% 10543 3.55% 7189 9.99% 10367409 4.04%
3 1606761 5.93% 1027081 5.90% 270033 5.71% 16808 5.66% 10604 14.73% 15288098 5.96%
4 1377970 5.08% 836839 4.81% 222781 4.71% 15474 5.22% 9663 13.43% 12184954 4.75%
5 975779 3.60% 629899 3.62% 156353 3.31% 10508 3.54% 7307 10.15% 8797386 3.43%
6 1389537 5.13% 874455 5.03% 275421 5.83% 14385 4.85% 9289 12.91% 13097314 5.11%
7 1305841 4.82% 808343 4.65% 217439 4.60% 14292 4.82% 9214 12.80% 11976649 4.67%
8 805166 2.97% 514860 2.96% 139851 2.96% 9040 3.05% 6103 8.48% 7696130 3.00%
9 868557 3.20% 581063 3.34% 147172 3.11% 9198 3.10% 6279 8.72% 8279570 3.23%
10 1356773 5.01% 842176 4.84% 222963 4.72% 15008 5.06% 9664 13.43% 12651886 4.93%
11 1244937 4.59% 783016 4.50% 220540 4.67% 14820 4.99% 9312 12.94% 11603589 4.52%
12 1199600 4.43% 766599 4.41% 209330 4.43% 14367 4.84% 9145 12.71% 11400152 4.44%
13 1237803 4.57% 772592 4.44% 227282 4.81% 14290 4.82% 9079 12.62% 11840594 4.62%
14 1146656 4.23% 721612 4.15% 200873 4.25% 13512 4.55% 8600 11.95% 10633027 4.15%
15 690346 2.55% 472124 2.71% 136880 2.90% 8268 2.79% 5607 7.79% 7051919 2.75%
16 771792 2.85% 531338 3.05% 139536 2.95% 7977 2.69% 5575 7.75% 7687178 3.00%
17 1189321 4.39% 771560 4.43% 191065 4.04% 13151 4.43% 8422 11.70% 11216765 4.37%
18 1201937 4.43% 744908 4.28% 185603 3.93% 13152 4.43% 8353 11.61% 10665707 4.16%
19 1193429 4.40% 762305 4.38% 198887 4.21% 13216 4.45% 8477 11.78% 10677382 4.16%
20 1207322 4.45% 787716 4.53% 254449 5.38% 12734 4.29% 8176 11.36% 11982691 4.67%
21 1171080 4.32% 739865 4.25% 202439 4.28% 13034 4.39% 8438 11.72% 11048943 4.31%
22 734469 2.71% 505967 2.91% 142593 3.02% 7249 2.44% 5158 7.17% 7680678 2.99%
23 724064 2.67% 493776 2.84% 126387 2.67% 7453 2.51% 5272 7.33% 7028233 2.74%
24 1225659 4.52% 767343 4.41% 198806 4.21% 12168 4.10% 7866 10.93% 11379566 4.44%
25 572745 2.11% 366699 2.11% 103827 2.20% 7022 2.37% 5291 7.35% 5539945 2.16%
26 2444 0.01% 2064 0.01% 1041 0.02% 117 0.04% 93 0.13% 33936 0.01%

Hourly usage for July 2006

Hourly Statistics for July 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 15649 406896 1.50% 10896 283319 1.63% 3728 96937 2.05% 181706 4724352 1.84%
1 7836 203736 0.75% 5929 154164 0.89% 2745 71372 1.51% 115663 3007228 1.17%
2 4819 125305 0.46% 3991 103781 0.60% 2359 61356 1.30% 89605 2329734 0.91%
3 3710 96480 0.36% 3189 82931 0.48% 2335 60710 1.28% 82668 2149370 0.84%
4 4611 119888 0.44% 3849 100096 0.58% 2493 64838 1.37% 91049 2367264 0.92%
5 6385 166021 0.61% 4911 127695 0.73% 2614 67964 1.44% 99678 2591619 1.01%
6 14769 384004 1.42% 9895 257275 1.48% 3868 100580 2.13% 168053 4369391 1.70%
7 32870 854624 3.15% 20281 527309 3.03% 6173 160510 3.40% 317268 8248956 3.22%
8 52805 1372954 5.07% 31895 829284 4.77% 9068 235770 4.99% 485316 12618206 4.92%
9 60546 1574196 5.81% 37658 979130 5.63% 10026 260696 5.52% 560390 14570136 5.68%
10 67578 1757044 6.48% 42186 1096857 6.30% 10776 280183 5.93% 616376 16025780 6.25%
11 71733 1865065 6.88% 44109 1146849 6.59% 11031 286831 6.07% 645056 16771448 6.54%
12 73210 1903481 7.02% 45607 1185786 6.82% 11353 295190 6.25% 658018 17108459 6.67%
13 70892 1843206 6.80% 44577 1159014 6.66% 11458 297932 6.30% 653710 16996455 6.63%
14 71234 1852088 6.83% 44844 1165951 6.70% 11682 303738 6.43% 655538 17043991 6.64%
15 70164 1824289 6.73% 44692 1162009 6.68% 12182 316741 6.70% 640601 16655634 6.49%
16 66868 1738590 6.41% 42087 1094265 6.29% 11314 294179 6.22% 605436 15741328 6.14%
17 59438 1545406 5.70% 38423 999010 5.74% 9512 247327 5.23% 531191 13810956 5.38%
18 53428 1389143 5.13% 34704 902323 5.19% 8555 222451 4.71% 485303 12617866 4.92%
19 51277 1333211 4.92% 33782 878352 5.05% 8263 214859 4.55% 471902 12269448 4.78%
20 51432 1337235 4.93% 34139 887637 5.10% 8389 218116 4.62% 476058 12377510 4.83%
21 52917 1375851 5.08% 35394 920260 5.29% 8316 216218 4.58% 487386 12672038 4.94%
22 48347 1257025 4.64% 32300 839805 4.83% 7832 203639 4.31% 453097 11780514 4.59%
23 29908 777609 2.87% 19830 515603 2.96% 5684 147786 3.13% 294286 7651440 2.98%

Top 30 of 34867 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3013193 11.12% 95136818 37.09% /ba/
2 445351 1.64% 16916378 6.60% /ke/
3 304056 1.12% 328122 0.13% /ba/styl.css
4 299305 1.10% 3326099 1.30% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
5 298568 1.10% 884718 0.34% /ba/_/styl.css
6 298162 1.10% 395174 0.15% /ba/wap.php
7 296998 1.10% 428007 0.17% /ba/_/menu.css
8 296517 1.09% 204637 0.08% /ba/_/hmenu.js
9 296033 1.09% 232721 0.09% /ba/menu.css
10 295099 1.09% 142609 0.06% /ba/_/tlac.css
11 294950 1.09% 25973 0.01% /ba/_/preload_obrazkov.js
12 293742 1.08% 332806 0.13% /ba/_/lmenu.js
13 290971 1.07% 316551 0.12% /ba/_/mesta_sk.js
14 185981 0.69% 5518304 2.15% /bb/
15 160586 0.59% 4950016 1.93% /nr/
16 98938 0.37% 2967123 1.16% /po/
17 64915 0.24% 1438661 0.56% /za/
18 60158 0.22% 1237434 0.48% /transport/
19 54378 0.20% 612500 0.24% /ba/rss.php
20 47963 0.18% 1093502 0.43% /mhd/
21 35689 0.13% 500613 0.20% /mhd/_/coolmenus4.js
22 35573 0.13% 145443 0.06% /mhd/_/styl.css
23 35532 0.13% 50096 0.02% /mhd/styl.css
24 35363 0.13% 22830 0.01% /mhd/_/tlac.css
25 35324 0.13% 37152 0.01% /mhd/menu.css
26 35322 0.13% 69443 0.03% /mhd/_/menu.css
27 35229 0.13% 3990 0.00% /mhd/_/preload_obrazkov.js
28 35167 0.13% 30128 0.01% /mhd/_/hmenu.js
29 35014 0.13% 48117 0.02% /mhd/_/mesta_sk.js
30 34971 0.13% 49771 0.02% /mhd/_/lmenu.js
View All URLs

Top 10 of 34867 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3013193 11.12% 95136818 37.09% /ba/
2 445351 1.64% 16916378 6.60% /ke/
3 185981 0.69% 5518304 2.15% /bb/
4 160586 0.59% 4950016 1.93% /nr/
5 299305 1.10% 3326099 1.30% /ba/_/coolmenus4.js
6 98938 0.37% 2967123 1.16% /po/
7 64915 0.24% 1438661 0.56% /za/
8 60158 0.22% 1237434 0.48% /transport/
9 47963 0.18% 1093502 0.43% /mhd/
10 1513 0.01% 1003336 0.39% /download/SimTr01012005.exe

Top 10 of 98 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3708 0.01% 167610 62.74% /
2 3013193 11.12% 63992 23.95% /ba/
3 185981 0.69% 9952 3.73% /bb/
4 445351 1.64% 7924 2.97% /ke/
5 60158 0.22% 4891 1.83% /transport/
6 160586 0.59% 4553 1.70% /nr/
7 98938 0.37% 2401 0.90% /po/
8 64915 0.24% 2366 0.89% /za/
9 47963 0.18% 1442 0.54% /mhd/
10 2520 0.01% 1044 0.39% /dpb/

Top 10 of 109 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3013193 11.12% 211273 71.31% /ba/
2 185981 0.69% 21957 7.41% /bb/
3 445351 1.64% 19689 6.65% /ke/
4 160586 0.59% 11824 3.99% /nr/
5 60158 0.22% 7425 2.51% /transport/
6 98938 0.37% 6326 2.14% /po/
7 64915 0.24% 5860 1.98% /za/
8 3708 0.01% 3913 1.32% /
9 47963 0.18% 3183 1.07% /mhd/
10 2520 0.01% 2156 0.73% /dpb/

Top 30 of 71966 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 622012 2.29% 301878 1.74% 4390206 1.71% 107 0.04%
2 539510 1.99% 520558 2.99% 17202211 6.71% 1 0.00%
3 385880 1.42% 180775 1.04% 3032071 1.18% 124 0.04%
4 341367 1.26% 230266 1.32% 2995714 1.17% 88 0.03%
5 299515 1.11% 286997 1.65% 9119241 3.56% 15 0.01%
6 292714 1.08% 16633 0.10% 411978 0.16% 93 0.03%
7 265875 0.98% 255542 1.47% 8358964 3.26% 1 0.00%
8 254945 0.94% 193061 1.11% 2971677 1.16% 204 0.07%
9 253171 0.93% 232531 1.34% 342864 0.13% 60 0.02%
10 177515 0.65% 114408 0.66% 1384257 0.54% 201 0.07%
11 171803 0.63% 120335 0.69% 1474881 0.58% 190 0.06%
12 154172 0.57% 34932 0.20% 595750 0.23% 220 0.07%
13 132164 0.49% 106192 0.61% 1082388 0.42% 234 0.08%
14 106141 0.39% 97223 0.56% 145593 0.06% 100 0.03%
15 87910 0.32% 56823 0.33% 482225 0.19% 260 0.09%
16 87446 0.32% 52963 0.30% 447797 0.17% 298 0.10%
17 82253 0.30% 78959 0.45% 2052883 0.80% 2 0.00%
18 81328 0.30% 57285 0.33% 588419 0.23% 259 0.09%
19 71182 0.26% 50710 0.29% 566790 0.22% 285 0.10%
20 70604 0.26% 54615 0.31% 654679 0.26% 301 0.10%
21 69746 0.26% 11829 0.07% 266959 0.10% 118 0.04%
22 65292 0.24% 10977 0.06% 274136 0.11% 131 0.04%
23 61395 0.23% 30310 0.17% 387112 0.15% 294 0.10%
24 57144 0.21% 3059 0.02% 35374 0.01% 6 0.00%
25 53464 0.20% 44008 0.25% 1332429 0.52% 195 0.07%
26 51676 0.19% 21298 0.12% 799847 0.31% 199 0.07%
27 51119 0.19% 31651 0.18% 352498 0.14% 121 0.04%
28 50509 0.19% 31568 0.18% 398974 0.16% 304 0.10%
29 50284 0.19% 31094 0.18% 316783 0.12% 280 0.09%
30 49695 0.18% 30568 0.18% 372202 0.15% 128 0.04%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 71966 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 539510 1.99% 520558 2.99% 17202211 6.71% 1 0.00%
2 299515 1.11% 286997 1.65% 9119241 3.56% 15 0.01%
3 265875 0.98% 255542 1.47% 8358964 3.26% 1 0.00%
4 622012 2.29% 301878 1.74% 4390206 1.71% 107 0.04%
5 385880 1.42% 180775 1.04% 3032071 1.18% 124 0.04%
6 341367 1.26% 230266 1.32% 2995714 1.17% 88 0.03%
7 254945 0.94% 193061 1.11% 2971677 1.16% 204 0.07%
8 82253 0.30% 78959 0.45% 2052883 0.80% 2 0.00%
9 171803 0.63% 120335 0.69% 1474881 0.58% 190 0.06%
10 177515 0.65% 114408 0.66% 1384257 0.54% 201 0.07%

Top 30 of 2977 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 8039374 29.66%
2 5620786 20.74%
3 4020643 14.83% - (Direct Request)
4 1228402 4.53%
5 1192739 4.40%
6 919154 3.39%
7 659805 2.43%
8 580407 2.14%
9 458445 1.69%
10 331976 1.22%
11 317160 1.17%
12 284908 1.05%
13 278653 1.03%
14 237743 0.88%
15 236367 0.87%
16 233703 0.86%
17 230555 0.85%
18 226306 0.83%
19 198202 0.73%
20 179689 0.66%
21 176811 0.65%
22 176151 0.65%
23 160034 0.59%
24 121292 0.45%
25 95653 0.35%
26 94535 0.35%
27 58207 0.21%
28 47266 0.17%
29 42001 0.15%
30 34489 0.13%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 1152 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1084 13.73% mhd bratislava
2 847 10.73% imhd
3 762 9.65% mhd
4 356 4.51%
5 345 4.37%
6 264 3.34% mhd ba
7 235 2.98%
8 212 2.68% mhd kosice
9 193 2.44% mhd nitra
10 134 1.70% bratislava mhd
11 132 1.67%
12 111 1.41% mhd košice
13 107 1.36% mhd zilina
14 106 1.34%
15 86 1.09% mhd bb
16 68 0.86% imhd.bratislava
17 55 0.70% mhd banská bystrica
18 54 0.68% simtr
19 52 0.66% mhd ke
20 50 0.63%

Top 11 of 11 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 22 0.00% 22 0.00% 26 0.00% 1 0.00% avrilko
2 13 0.00% 13 0.00% 408 0.00% 1 0.00% jakubcikovam
3 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 422 0.00% 1 0.00% Trajcikoval
4 12 0.00% 12 0.00% 524 0.00% 3 0.00% Zendulkal
5 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 13 0.00% 1 0.00% vymi
6 9 0.00% 9 0.00% 380 0.00% 2 0.00% liskovaj
7 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 166 0.00% 1 0.00% standovae
8 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 31 0.00% 1 0.00% M648512
9 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 1 0.00% wap
10 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 24 0.00% 1 0.00% m648512
11 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 47 0.00% 1 0.00% saroja

Top 15 of 3951 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 4814122 17.76% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET
2 4779724 17.64% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
3 1682437 6.21% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
4 1618033 5.97% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sk; rv: Geck
5 1067136 3.94% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
6 889158 3.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: G
7 730567 2.70% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1
8 675877 2.49% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
9 618766 2.28% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs; rv: Geck
10 581437 2.15% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; en) Opera
11 396951 1.46% Opera/9.00 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
12 379337 1.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; cs-CZ; rv:1.7.12) Ge
13 377181 1.39% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1
14 330518 1.22% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; Maxth
15 314050 1.16% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; FunWe

Usage by Country for July 2006

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 27103347 100.00% 17422271 100.14% 256499122 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 100% Micro$oft free!